Welcome to the Lakewood Library Learning Commons

Policies & Procedures

See Mrs. Collins first if I have a class.

Be quick, quiet, and respectful while searching and for books.

Use the skills for looking for books that are taught during class.

Make sure that you check out your books before you leave the library.

Meet the Staff


Mrs. Carr

Hello, there! Thanks for visiting. I am the librarian here at Lakewood. This is my 18th year at Lakewood, and it is my 12th year in the library here. I am a former 5th grade teacher, and I loved being in the classroom. More than that I love to help teachers and students with all the things, so here I am.

Fun facts: I love basketball. I could play all day. I love all things chocolate. I have a cat that misbehaves, but we love her. I am a proud graduate of Coker College, now Coker University.

Favorite book genres: Humor, Realistic Fiction, and non-fiction books about animals.

library assistant

Mrs. Trish

My name is Tricia Collins, and I am joining the Lakewood staff as the new Media Aide! I am coming from Seaside Elementary, where I was for 22 years. I graduated from Francis Marion College (a long time ago) where I obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science/History education.

I love early morning sunrise walks and reading on the beach. Another hobby is bike riding and kayaking with friends.My biggest joy comes from helping children and watching them learn new things. I also love helping in the school in all capacities, especially with acts of kindness! My favorite quote is “ Be kind whenever possible and it is always possible. “

Be the Change you want to See in the world .