Family Baby Necklace

Family Baby Necklace

By: Nisha Bhatia


  • Hindu jewelers in Muzaffarnager, India


  • Muzaffarnager, India

Date Created or Date Issued

  • 1950s


  • Family


  • N/A


  • N/A

Content Description

  • The necklace is a set of two small gold pendants: one represents sun and one represents moon. The pendants are tied on a black thread or “taaga” in Hindi. The black color of the threads is meant to ward off bad luck. The pendants are about one centimeter in diameter. There is a handmade imprint of two Hindu Gods on the pendants. The Sun God Surya on one pendant and on the other is Chand, the Moon God.


  • Photograph of two pendants

Keywords: Immigration, Intergenerational, Gender

My artifact is a necklace that every baby in my family, including me, wore for a few years after birth. This necklace was brought to America by my grandparents from India. Wearing a necklace like this is a tradition in my family and is widespread in Indian culture. The necklace comes from the paternal side of my family. My father wore the same necklace after his birth. The pendants are tied on a black thread or “taaga” in Hindi. The necklace is for protection against ill omens.

Through my research, I discovered that many other Asian American immigrants have similar nuggets that connect them to their home and past generations of their families. Jewelry is mostly connected and passed down generations by the women in families. In the past, women did not inherit land or money. Jewelry was considered to be of equivalent value. Now, in modern times, with the rise of women’s rights, jewelry is mostly given as a symbolic gesture. Intergenerationally, jewelry is something that is not acquired that frequently. Jewelry stays in the family, and connects older to younger generations. When people seek to make a new home in a new location, they want it to remind them of where they left and especially, their family. My parents were the first of their immediate families to immigrate to America, so they wanted to bring over something small with a lot of meaning. My mother picked jewelry because it is easy to transport, and it meant a lot to her. Now, I can truly appreciate the symbolism behind artifact, my baby necklace.