Command Line Interface

eMPRess Command Line Interface

Once you have installed empress, remember to start by typing at the command line (aka terminal):

pipenv install

pipenv shell

To see help, run:

python --help

To see help with using a given command, run:

python <command> --help

On the command line, the structure of the inputs is:

python <command> hostfile parasitefile mappingfile <additional-arguments>

For example, to run cost-regions with default parameters, run:

python cost-regions hostfile parasitefile mappingfile <additional-arguments>

Note that to run cluster, there is an additional positional input: the number of clusters:

python cluster hostfile parasitefile mappingfile number_of_clusters <additional-arguments>

For specific parameters of each functionality, consult the list below:

List of Parameters


  • -dl <duplication_low>, --duplication-low <duplication_low>: duplication low floating point value for cost regions viewer window (default: 1.0)

  • -dh <duplication_high>, --duplication-high <duplication_high>: duplication high floating point value for cost regions viewer window (default: 5.0)

  • -tl <transfer_low>, --transfer-low <transfer_low>: transfer low floating point value for cost regions viewer window (default: 1.0)

  • -th <transfer_high>, --transfer-high <transfer_high>: transfer high floating point value for cost regions viewer window (default: 5.0)

  • --outfile <output_file> : path to output file ending with .pdf, (default: generated filename at same location as the host file)

  • --log : set both axes to use log scale (default: False)

For example, the following example runs Cost-Regions with duplication low value of 0.5, duplication high value of 10, transfer low value of 0.5, and transfer high value of 10, that saves to a file called costscape-example-img.pdf at the current location with axes displayed in log scale.

python cost-regions examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping -tl 0.5 -th 10 -dl 0.5 -dh 10 --outfile costscape_example_img.pdf --log

DTL Reconciliation

  • -d <duplication_cost>, --dup-cost <duplication_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each duplication event (default: 2.0)

  • -t <transfer_cost>, --trans-cost <transfer_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each transfer event (default: 3.0)

  • -l <loss_cost>, --loss-cost <loss_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each loss event (default: 1.0)

  • --csv <filename> : output the reconciliation as a .csv file at the path provided. If no filename is provided, outputs to a filename based on the input host file

  • --graph : instead of outputting a random median, output the entire reconciliation graph (default: False)

For example, to run DTL Reconciliation with duplication cost of 4, transfer cost of 2 and lost cost of 1, run

python reconcile examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping -d 4 -t 2 -l 1 --csv recon_example_output.csv

Outputs a .csv file that enumerates the events and mappings for a median MPR. Each row of this table has an entry corresponding to a mapping between a parasite node and a gene node, and an event associated with that node. It has the folloing items in order: parasite node, host node, event type, node frequency, event frequency. The node frequency is the frequency with which that parasite is mapped to that host among all MPRs. The event frequency is the frequency with which that specific event occurs.

Pairwise Distance Histogram

  • -d <duplication_cost>, --dup-cost <duplication_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each duplication event (default: 2.0)

  • -t <transfer_cost>, --trans-cost <transfer_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each transfer event (default: 3.0)

  • -l <loss_cost>, --loss-cost <loss_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each loss event (default: 1.0)

  • --histogram-pdf <filename>: output the histogram pdf image at the path provided. If no filename is provided, outputs to a filename based on the input host file

  • --xnorm: normalize the x-axis so that the distances range (default: False)

  • --ynorm: normalize the y-axis so that the histogram is a probability distribution (default: False)

  • --omit-zeros: omit the zero column of the histogram, which will always be the total number of reconciliations (default: False)

  • --cumulative: make the histogram cumulative (default: False)

  • --csv <filename>: output the histogram as a .csv file at the path provided. If no filename is provided, outputs to a filename based on the input host file (default: unset)

  • --stats: output statistics including the total number of MPRs, the diameter of MPR-space, and the average distance between MPRs (default: False)

  • --time: time the diameter algorithm (default: False)

For example, to run Pairwise Distance Histogram that outputs a csv file at histogram_example_output_csv.csv, outputs a histogram to histogram_example_output_img.pdf and normalizes the y-axis, run:

python histogram examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping --csv histogram_example_output_csv.csv --histogram-pdf histogram_example_output_img.pdf --ynorm

CSV output has rows with two values each. The first value on each row is the distance (measured using the symmetric set difference between the event sets), and the second value is the number of MPR pairs that are that far apart from each other.


  • -d <duplication_cost>, --dup-cost <duplication_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each duplication event (default: 2.0)

  • -t <transfer_cost>, --trans-cost <transfer_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each transfer event (default: 3.0)

  • -l <loss_cost>, --loss-cost <loss_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each loss event (default: 1.0)

  • --median: whether or not to print out medians for each cluster (default: False)

  • --depth <tree_depth>: how far down to split the graph before clustering

  • --n-split <splits> : find at least n splits before combining the splits

  • --pdv-vis : visualize the resulting clusters using the Pairwise Distance (default: False)

  • --support-vis : visualize the resulting clusters using event supports (default: False)

  • --pdv : use the weighted average distance to evaluate clusters (default: False)

  • --support : use the weighted average event support to evaluate clusters (default: False)

For example, to find at least 8 distinct parts of reconciliation-space before merging them into clusters, use --n-splits 8. The clusters are merged based on a cluster-distance that is calculated either using the average event support or the pairwise distance. To use the event support use --support. Finally, to get the median reconciliation of each of the three clusters, use --median. Putting it all together, the full command is:

python cluster examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping 3 --median --n-splits 8 --support

Currently, clustering outputs text to the console. That text comprises a representation of one MPR per cluster (a median MPR in that cluster). Each MPR is represented as a Python dictionary comprising keys of the form (p, h) indicating that the parasite/symbiont p is mapped to host h. The associated value is an event of the form (EventType, (p1, h1), (p2, h2)) where EventType is one of 'S' (speciation), 'D' (duplication), 'T' (transfer), 'L' (loss), or 'C' (contemporaneous - meaning that p and h are leaves in the parasite/symbiont and host trees, respectively; p1 and p2 are the children of p (or None if p is a leaf), and h1 and h2 are the host tree nodes on which p1 and p2 are associated.

p-Value Histogram

  • -d <duplication_cost>, --dup-cost <duplication_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each duplication event (default: 2.0)

  • -t <transfer_cost>, --trans-cost <transfer_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each transfer event (default: 3.0)

  • -l <loss_cost>, --loss-cost <loss_cost>: floating point cost incurred on each loss event (default: 1.0)

  • --outfile: output the p-value test drawing at the path provided. If no filename is provided, outputs to a filename based on the input host file.

  • --n-samples : the number of random tip mappings to sample (default: 100)

This tests the hypothesis that the optimal cost was obtained by a random tip mapping by sampling random tip mappings and checking the cost. The output is a histogram that shows the distribution of scores from random mappings, the score from the known mapping, and the p-value.

python p-value examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping -d 4 -t 2 -l 1 --n-samples 200 --outfile pvalue_example_output.pdf


  • --outfile : output the tanglegram drawing at the path provided. If no filename is provided, outputs to a filename based on the input host file.

View a tanglegram of the given files, showing the tip mapping.

python tanglegram examples/heliconius_host.nwk examples/heliconius_parasite.nwk examples/heliconius_mapping.mapping --outfile tanglegram_example_output.pdf