Sight Reading

Elementary Choirs will be judged on evidence of understanding and familiarity of the sight reading process.

Middle School Choirs will be judged on accuracy of reading, group participation, tone, technique, and musicianship.

Directors will choose one of the following sight reading options. The selections will be of similar difficulty and will not affect possible ratings. The director’s choice should be based on what the group is accustomed to reading. Please remember to have your choirs enter the sight-reading room without talking and not to open the selection before the Instruction time begins.

Pentatonic Diatonic

8 measures 8 measures

Unison Unison

Key of F or G Major Key of F or G Major

2/4 or 4/4 Meter 2/4 or 4/4 Meter

Quarter Notes Quarter Notes

Eighth Notes Eighth Notes

Half Notes Half Notes

16th notes on one pitch

INSTRUCTION #1: The director will have 3 minutes to instruct the group. The tonic chord may be played once in broken format. The director and students are not allowed to vocalize, hum, pitch or sing during this 3-minute period. They may tap, chant, talk, or speak. Director can vocalize count in for audiation if they choose.

FIRST READ: The tonic chord may be played once, and students may sing it. The teacher may not contribute to the performance audibly, with the exception of counting off the group on the starting pitch. Students may read the song using the group’s preferred method of sight reading.

INSTRUCTION #2: The director will have 1 minute to instruct the group. The tonic chord may be played once in broken format. The director and students are not allowed to vocalize, hum, pitch or sing during this 1-minute period. They may tap, chant, talk, or speak.

SECOND READ: The tonic chord may be played, and students may sing it. The teacher may not contribute to the performance audibly, with the exception of counting off the group on the starting pitch. Students may read the song using the group’s preferred method of sight reading. Both readings will be judged, and a rating will be given based on the group’s best reading.