Spring 2023

Welcome to the Spring 2023 offering of CS 229CR: Spectral Graph Theory in Computer Science! This page will contain announcements relevant to the current offering of the course, as well as links to more detailed resources. 

Basic Information:

Instructor: Professor Salil Vadhan (he/they), http://salil.seas.harvard.edu/, salil_vadhan@harvard.edu 

Course TFs: 

Description: We will cover eigenvectors and eigenvalues of graphs and their applications to computer science problems, such as clustering, solving linear systems, derandomization, sampling via MCMC, counting, web search, and maximum flow.

Meeting: The course meets MW 9:45-11:00 a.m in SEC 1.413 (tentative). 

Office Hours + Section: 

Jake: Thursdays 4-5 pm, SEC 3.314

Louie: Wednesdays 7-8 pm, Maxwell-Dworkin 123
