Call for Papers

We invite submissions to the first instance of Computational Methods for Economic Dynamics, hosted at EC 2024.

Economic dynamics are studied by multiple communities—including macroeconomists, financial economists, and computer scientists—who analyze these models using myriad techniques, including dynamic programming, convex optimization, multiagent reinforcement learning, and, more recently, deep learning. Most research on the computational aspects of these models are based on empirical and/or simulation-based analyses; as such, there exists a wide range of open (theoretical and other) research questions at the intersection of economics, computer science, and machine learning. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers in algorithmic game theory, multiagent reinforcement learning, deep learning, microeconomics, and macroeconomics with overlapping interests in this area.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Paper Submission

Important Dates