Paul Duke STEM High School

 Work Based Learning

Paul Duke STEM High School - 5850 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. - Norcross, GA 30071

(470) 323-3600 -

Below, you will find information about the Work Based Learning program at Paul Duke STEM High School.

Program Information

The Work Based Learning program began at Paul Duke STEM High School in the Fall of 2021.  Work Based Learning provides Juniors and Seniors at Paul Duke STEM High School the unique opportunity to earn credit toward graduation, while also earning a paycheck.  Work Based Learning also helps students develop valuable employability skills that are sought by businesses and other organizations in the 21st century.  Work Based Learning is also a key factor in allowing students to gain critical workplace experiences that can inform their career decisions.

Gone are the days of students being placed in a "vocational" setting because they weren't performing well in the traditional school setting.  Work Based Learning is about opportunity and real world skills that can be applied in a variety of careers.  Many students in the Paul Duke STEM High School Work Based Learning program have earned AP credit and are planning to attend college after they graduate. 

Real world skills are important, of course, but for many teens and their families, earning a paycheck is of great importance as well. Work-Based Learning enables students who qualify for three hours of WBL credit to leave school as early as 10:30 AM, allowing them to pick up shifts when employers really need them. More hours equals more money. During the 2023-2024 school year, Work-Based Learning at Paul Duke STEM High School students earned over half a million dollars collectively. Two students in the program that year earned over $20,000 over the course of the year, and there were many students who eclipsed the $10,000 mark.

Originally, the program was only open to Seniors. However, due to popular demand, the program is open to Juniors as well. Juniors are eligible for one (1) hour of Work-Based Learning credit. Students who complete one year of Work-Based Learning as a Junior AND a Senior, have completed a CTAE Pathway, and have maintained an average of 90 or above throughout their time in Work-Based Learning will receive a silver Work-Based Learning cord at graduation.

If you are going to be a Junior or Senior next year, and you are interested in being a part of the Work Based Learning program, click on the link below and fill out the Preliminary Interest Form.


If you are a business, government agency, or non-profit organization that is interested in becoming a partner with Paul Duke STEM High School, and would be willing to participate in the Work Based Learning program, please fill out the Prospective Business Partner Information Form linked below.  We would love to get to know your organization and explore ways that we can positively impact our students.


Student Resources

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook contains information about the program, as well as a list of rules and responsibilities that must be adhered to as a member of the Paul Duke STEM High School Work Based Learning program.  Failure to follow these rules or fulfill these responsibilities could result in being dismissed from the program, and loss of credit for that semester.

Parent/Guardian Resources

Parent/Guardian Handbook

The Parent/Guardian Handbook contains information about the program, as well as a list of rules and responsibilities that must be adhered to as a member of the Paul Duke STEM High School Work Based Learning program.  Failure to follow these rules or fulfill these responsibilities could result in being dismissed from the program, and loss of credit for that semester.

Click on the link below to access:

español Padre/Tutor Recursos

Padre/Tutor Manual

El Manual para padres / tutores contiene información sobre el programa, así como una lista de reglas y responsabilidades que se deben cumplir como miembro del programa de aprendizaje basado en el trabajo de Paul Duke STEM High School. No seguir estas reglas o cumplir con estas responsabilidades podría resultar en ser despedido del programa y la pérdida de crédito para ese semestre.

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para acceder:

Employer Resources

Business Information Form

Please fill this form out as completely as possible.  This information is very important to making the Work Based Learning program as efficient as possible, and is critical if you are not available.

Employer Handbook

The Parent/Guardian Handbook contains information about the program, as well as a list of employer expectations for participating in the Paul Duke STEM High School Work Based Learning program. 

Click on the link below to access:

Employer Responsibilities

The document attached below is a quick reference sheet of employer responsibilities.

Employment Opportunities

It is the policy of the Gwinnett County Public School System not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability in any employment practice, educational program, or any other program, activity, or service.  If you wish to request an accommodation or modification or make a complaint due to discrimination in any program, activity, or service, contact:

The Office of Internal Resolution

437 Old Peachtree Road, NW

Suwanee, Georgia 30024