Chorus Information
Communication: Mr. Guzman exclusively uses ParentSquare for Chorus communication. Please make sure your information is up to date so you can receive updates regarding rehearsals, performances, and more.
Calendar: The Chorus calendar is linked to the Chorus ParentSquare page. You can also find the calendar by clicking on the calendar tab. It is consistently updated with events including rehearsals and performances. Please check the calendar regularly to make sure you know all the events for the month. There is a physical copy outside the music classroom for students to see.
Rehearsals: Chorus has rehearsals every Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoons. Students can attend one or both rehearsals. The expectation is that students attend at least once a week. Students need to be present at rehearsals to learn the music and be prepared for performances.
Tuesday morning rehearsals begin at 7:10. Drop-off will be at the front of the school. Between 7:00 and 7:10 Mr. Guzman will be at the front desk to let students into the building. At 7:10 everyone will go to the music room to begin rehearsal. If you arrive late, there might not be someone there to let your student in, so please be on time. After rehearsal, students will be dismissed to get breakfast and continue with their regular school day.
Thursday afternoon rehearsals will occur immediately after school and end at 4:00. Pick-up will be in the front of the school. If your student is staying for rehearsal, please communicate with their teacher and let them know. Everyday there are three people who should know how your student is getting home: your student, their teacher, and you. Please make sure all three of you know for certain whether your student is staying after school and who will be picking them up. If your student is riding home with a neighbor, please let Mr. Guzman know. We can not allow a student to leave with another adult without written permission from their parent. There will be no buses, so make sure you are on time to pick up your student. If your student is a walker, please meet them at the front of the school to walk home with them. If you are frequently late to pick up your student, your student will not be allowed to stay for rehearsals after school. Please be on time to pick up your student. If you are running late, please message Mr. Guzman on ParentSquare to let him know.
Younger siblings (K-2nd grade) are allowed to come to chorus rehearsal, but please know they are not officially members of the program. Please make sure you communicate with your students' classroom teachers, your students, and Mr. Guzman.
Chorus Fee: The Chorus fee can be paid online at or by cash in person. If you would like to pay in person, please send $10 with your student to rehearsal. Mr. Guzman can only accept cash at rehearsal. The Chorus fee covers all the expenses for chorus for the entire school year. This includes a t-shirt, transportation for events, and other materials/equipment.
Music Selection: In Chorus, we sing a diverse repertoire of musical selections. The goal is to be both respectful of others' beliefs and cultures while being representative of the students in our program, our school, and our community. Click on the "Chorus Songs" tab to view and listen to our current song selections.
Student Expectations: Students are expected to follow the same policies and procedures they follow during the school day. If students can not follow these expectations at Chorus rehearsals, they will be dismissed from the program.