Kanoheda Chorus
Chorus Information
In Chorus, we seek to make music through the art of singing. Each rehearsal we will work on our vocal development and rehearse music for our performances. Students are not expected to be perfect singers, but they are expected to try their best and contribute to the group in a positive way. We want to be a source of encouragement for our peers and support each other as we grow in our musicianship.
Chorus meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 and Thursday afternoons at 3:00. Students are expected to attend one rehearsal each week in order to prepare for our performances.
How to Sign Up
Chorus is open to all Kanoheda students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. It is very important to attend one rehearsal each week in order to be prepared for our performances. There are 3 steps to joining:
Click here to fill out the sign-up form.
Go to mypaymentsplus.com to pay the club fee. Participation in Chorus costs $10 for the year. This fee goes toward covering expenses such as music, equipment, and transportation.
Come to a rehearsal. Check our calendar for a list of our rehearsal dates.