Caleb Lightsey

How many pineapples is this? Clap, Clap, Snap, Snap, Clap, Snap, Clap. JUST KIDDING! It's Caleb Pineapples! Caleb brings a great sense of humor into class while also staying on top of his schoolwork. He is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. (That is Scout Law for all the non-scouts out there.) We look forward to seeing Caleb POP this school year! That should come easy for Caleb with all the popcorn he can sell. Keep it up Caleb!

10th 8/22/22 Weekly Agenda
Ambassador Corner

STEM Careers Weekly

STEM Career of the Week (Use this)

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