CompuTational thinking Games

Are you wondering how games help develop Computational Thinking skills?

  • Decomposition: Identifying specific characters and objects on the cards.

  • Pattern Recognition: Searching for and finding the same object on your card and the card in play.

  • Abstraction: Dismissing and filtering out characters and objects on your card that don’t match those on the card in play.

  • Algorithm Design: Develop and refine the technique of searching for and identifying the matching characters and objects.

an image of the card game Set with cards laid out


Find directions and lesson ideas here.

An image of the card game Spot It! with cards laid out to see the many images on each card
Tic tac toe tips to be invicible at tic tac toe with three skulls at the top


This video teaches you to use a Tree Search to always win Tic-Tac-Toe.

LEGO: Six Bricks

This digital booklet has activities that promote CT and communication. Great for warm ups.


This website provides many printable puzzles.