Below is an overview of the protocol for Bay Creek's Chromebook Device Care, Forgot Device, Chromebook Distribution, Chromebook Check-In, and Out, and helpful tips for parent and student responsibility. These procedures support the GCPS's Blueprint of the Future by fostering a seamless connection within student-centered education driven by empathy, equity, and excellence. The information listed here will help you understand the steps involved in these processes.
Device Care and Charger Expectations
Use two hands when carrying the device from one location to another; do not grab the device by the screen.
Keep food, drinks, or other liquids away from the device.
Keep devices on a hard, solid surface like a table or desk; place the device gently on the table or desk.
Keep the device within the student's residence. The device should be kept from trips or travel destinations.
When closing the device, nothing should be placed on top of the device or between the screen and the keyboard.
Store the device in a clean bag when not in use
Please don't put stickers on your device.
Plug the device into a nearby outlet so no one will trip over the cord.
When not charging the laptop, keep the charger stored in a secure location
The Chromebook is brought to school fully charged each day.
How to Powerwash a Chromebook
When to powerwash your GCPS Chromebook
A powerwash will erase all content on your device and reset the factory settings
If you need to move files to Google Drive, do so before you powerwash the Chromebook.
If your device is not starting or glitching, you may want to power wash the device.
Students may use this link here for directions on power washing their Chromebooks.
Please have your homeroom teacher place a tech ticket for additional tech support.
GCPS Acceptable Use Policy
Responsible Use of Electronic Media for Student; it is important to review this link to learn more about your student's GCPS-issued device.
GCPS Damaged or Lost Device Fees
Please note that the incidents of damage or loss do not reset each school year. You can use the link to learn more about the fees for damaged or lost devices.
Sixth Grade Students
All sixth-grade students who start on the first day of school for the current school year will receive a Chromebook and charger during their team's scheduled device distribution.
All sixth-grade students will use the same device throughout their middle school years.
Device distribution directions and schedules will be provided to their homeroom teachers.
Parents will receive an email once the device distribution for grade 6 is complete.
Checkout for those devices will happen in the Media Center.
Sixth-grade students will receive a printed label with their first and last names to place on their Chromebooks.
Please take a look at this link to learn more about your student's GCPS-issued device.
Seventh Grade Students
All returning seventh-grade BCMS students will continue using their Chromebooks and chargers issued in their sixth-grade year.
All seventh-grade students will use the same device throughout their middle school years.
Please take a look at this link to learn more about your student's GCPS-issued device.
Eighth Grade Students
All returning eighth-grade BCMS students will continue using their Chromebooks and chargers issued in their sixth-grade year.
All eighth-grade students will check in their GCPS-issued devices at the end of the school year.
Please take a look at this link to learn more about your student's GCPS-issued device.
New students to Bay Creek:
A new student is any new student who enrolls after the first school day of the current school year.
New students will report to the TST to receive their Chromebook and charger on the second day of their attendance.
New students will have access to their online resources on their second day of attendance at their new GCPS school.
It is best practice that a Peer Leader or a buddy escort new students to receive their device and help set their password to access the student portal.
When a student forgets to bring their Chromebook to school:
The student will notify their homeroom teacher that they forgot their device.
The teacher will arrange for the student to use the team phone to call their parent.
The student will ask their parent or guardian to drop off the device with the Front Desk Receptionist.
It is best practice that students notify their homeroom teachers and that forgotten Chromebooks are recovered as early as possible in the learning day.
What if the parent is unable to bring the device?
The student will return to their classroom and notify the teacher.
Chromebooks are not available for temporary checkout.
The Grade Level Administrator is notified of a pattern of not having materials that hinder learning.
What if the student leaves the device on the School Bus?
The student will notify their Homeroom teacher that they left their device on the school bus.
The teacher will submit a tech ticket with the student's FN, LN, and ID#.
If the device is not found within 24 hours, the student’s parent should be notified (Grade Level Clerks), and the student should receive a new device.
If the device is located, the student should give it to their teacher--the teacher notifies the TST or leaves the device with the Front Desk receptionist.
What if the student lost their device?
The student will notify their Homeroom teacher that they lost their device.
The teacher will submit a tech ticket with the student's homeroom, FN, LN, and ID#.
If the device is not found within 24 hours, the student’s parent should be notified (Grade Level Clerk), and the student should receive a new device.
The student picks up the device from the TST between 9:00 am and 10:00 am.
Return Device Protocol for a Student who is Withdrawn from Bay Creek:
For any Bay Creek student withdrawing before the end of this school year, the parent or the student must return the Chromebook, Chromebook sleeve, and charger to the school.
Students may turn in the Chromebook to one of their Team Teachers or leave it with the Front Desk Receptionist.
Students and parents may drop the device off during school hours or contact your grade-level Assistant Principal if you have questions.
If the family plans to change schools during the summer and the student is withdrawn, meaning transferring to a new school, then the student or parent must return the device to Bay Creek Middle School’s Front Desk Receptionist.
Please ensure the student’s name is on the device when dropping it off at the school.
Device Collection Check-in and Checkout Protocol
This process happens at the end of each school year during May.
The Homeroom Teacher will complete the prep work before students arrive at the Media Center; a schedule will be emailed from the Tech Team.
1. Have all students wipe down their devices with alcohol wipes and remove stickers before they arrive at the checkout station.
2. Check each device for damages (broken screens, missing keys, anything that needs to be repaired)
3. Students with damaged devices will be at the front of the line and visit the table with TST.
4. All student GCPS-issued devices will be assessed for damages at that time.
5. The Tech Team will check-in the device for the current school year; and reissue the device to the student for the following school year.
6. Eighth-grade student Chromebooks, Chromebook Sleeve, and charger will be checked in; only 8th-grade devices will be collected on this day.
Eighth-Grade Students Device Collection:
Prep work before students arrive to be completed by the Homeroom Teacher
1. Based on the schedule, students will bring their Chromebook, Chromebook Sleeve, and charging adapter to the Check-In station.
2. Teachers will provide the names of any students absent on that day and submit them to the Tech Team.
3. Students who have damaged devices will visit the table with TST.
4. All student GCPS-issued devices will be assessed for damages at that time.
5. Eighth-grade student Chromebooks, Chromebook Sleeve, and charger will be checked in; only 8th-grade devices will be collected on this day.
Changing your password can be found on our website at this link.
Resource 2023-2024 SY Gwinnett County Public School
Published on March 4, 2024 | Managed by Danise Edgecombe, Instructional Technology & Innovation Coach