
Money Instructor

Teach and learn basic career, work, and business skills. Topics include resume writing, filling out job applications, interviewing, writing business letters, communication, public speaking, business math, career planning, accounting, earning money skills, and more.

Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship

In 17 episodes, Anna Akana will teach you entrepreneurship skills to help you start and run a small business. This course is based on a college-level curriculum with a variety of reference texts, including the Strategyzer Business Model Canvas.

Crash Course Business Soft Skills

In 17 episodes, Evelyn From The Internets will teach you soft skills for business and everyday life! This course is based on a college-level curriculum, with a variety of management and organizational psychology reference texts

Crash Course: Economics

In 35 episodes, Adriene Hill and Jacob Clifford teach you economics! This course is based on introductory college level curriculum and the 2015 AP Economics guidelines.

Crash Course Computer Science

In 40 episodes, Carrie Anne Philbin teaches you computer science! This course is based on introductory college-level material as well as the AP Computer Science Principles guidelines.