Pause. Be in the moment.

As days of isolation turn into weeks, many of us are feeling increasingly uprooted from our normal lives. In a world on lockdown, it isn’t just our routines that are being disrupted, but our relationships too.

Relinquishing our desire for certainty and control is easier said than done. If you feel yourself start to spin out into negativity or panic, grounding yourself in the present moment can stop the negative spiral and allow your rational brain to come back online.

All you have to do is listen to the sound of waves without touching your mouse or keyboard for 2 minutes straight.

The gifs for calm breathing that have recently started circulating the internet are a game changer. The entrancing movements are and incredible way to draw in your attention. They also help you to remember and deepen your breath by synching it with the movements.

We cannot emphasize enough how important caring for yourself is during this time. Read on to find ways to connect with your community for support along with mind-body practices to promote your own wellbeing.

Recent medical research suggests that meditation may have proven neurological benefits, and can support mental health recovery from anxiety and depression. Mindfulness is also a key component in building resiliency when facing life's stressors.

The focus of this site is mindfulness as practiced in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

Relax and enjoy as we embark on the journey of mindfulness and healing together.

This channel features inspiring quotes, mindfulness practices, meditations, breathing exercises, Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi, relaxing music and more.


How gratitude journaling can help shift your outlook and attitude, bringing you more positivity and happiness.

Free Gratitude Journal Template: http://bit.ly/gratitudepdf


The body scan is one of the most effective ways to begin a mindfulness meditation practice. The purpose is to tune in to your body—to reconnect to your physical self—and notice any sensations you’re feeling without judgement. While many people find the body scan relaxing, relaxation is not the primary goal. The goal is to train the mind to be more open and aware of sensory experiences—and ultimately, more accepting. With time and practice, the body scan will build your ability to focus and be fully present in your life.

Have you ever wondered what wildlife is up to while we humans are stressing out about the latest breaking news?

Most animals are simply continuing to live their lives, and you can witness them doing so in real time with the live cams at Explore.org

Identifying your triggers can take some time and self-reflection. In the meantime, there are things you can do to try to help calm or quiet your anxiety from taking over.

David Kessler shares his thoughts on why it’s important to acknowledge the grief you may be feeling, how to manage it, and how he believes we will find meaning in it.

While it may be challenging to do this practice every time you face a stressful situation, an initial goal could be to try it at least once per week.


Click here to see detailed activities designed to help you take care of yourself and manage your stress in a time of social isolation.