Woodwind, Brass, Percussion Day


Kansas Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion Players of All Ages



This event is open to Kansas woodwind, brass, and percussion players of all ages. Mailings/invitations will be sent to Kansas middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Participants may play individually in master classes and be given general verbal critiques (no ratings) by guest artists or ESU faculty. All Participants will play in groups of specific instruments which may be divided by grade level (e.g. middle school and high school flute choirs) and will perform a final concert at the end of the day. This concert is open to the public and will provide families and music directors an opportunity to see their children in concert. There will also be performances by guest artists, ESU faculty and ESU student ensembles for the benefit of the participants. Participants will attend clinics provided by guest artists and/or ESU faculty. A registration fee of $10 will be charged to cover the cost of t-shirts for the participants. All other costs will be paid by the ESU Department of Music. No awards will be given for this event.

For more information please contact the Department of Music.