Undergraduate Research Scholarship & Creativity Activities


The responsibilities and functions of the URSCA committee are to promote, recognize, assess, improve and celebrate the successes of undergraduate research activities on our campus. It serves the President and Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, the faculty and the students of Emporia State University.

The primary activities include:

Undergraduate Research Scholarship and Creative Activities (URSCA)

2023-2024 Committee Members:

Name / Position

Email Address

Service Ending

Jeffrey Muldoon / Chair/School of Business Faculty Rep


Qiyang Zhang/Co-Chair/School of Science and Mathematics/Faculty Rep


Claudia Aguirre Mendez /School of Science and Mathematics/Faculty Rep


Douglass Smith/School of Business and Technology


Amy Sage Webb Baza/School of Humanities and Social Sciences/Faculty Rep


Vacant/School of Performing and Visual Arts/Faculty Rep

Vacant/School of Applied Health Sciences/Faculty Rep

Neal Luo/The Teachers College/Faculty Rep


Gary Wyatt / Assoc. Provost and Dean of Honors College

Ex Officio

Jackie Lutz / Executive Associate

Ex Officio

Sophia Dawson/ASG President


Hibah Yaseen/Student


Kimiya Noor/Student


Membership Composition, Selection and Length of terms:

The Undergraduate Research Committee shall consist of fourteen (14) members.

Two (2) ex officio members who will serve as administrative liaisons: 1) The Dean or Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and 2) the Dean of the University Honors College. 

Eight (8) faculty who will be appointed by the Provost and serve two-year terms: Four (4) representing the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, two (2) the School of Business and Technology, and (2) the Teachers College. 

Four (4) undergraduate students:  one (1) appointed by the Associate Student Government and three (3) appointed by the members of the committee. All will serve one-year terms