
Emporia State University

Staff Senate 

(University Staff Senate – USS - and Unclassified Professional Senate - UPS)






Staff Senate (combined USS and UPS)



Section 1. Definition


Staff appointments apply to all University employees, except those who are student employees.  Any staff personnel who is not “voting faculty” as defined by Article 1 Paragraph1 of the Faculty Senate Constitution and who is not a member of the ESU Administration who reports directly to the University’s President shall be represented by the Staff Senate.  For the purpose of the Unclassified Senate, the University President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Associate and Assistant Vice-Presidents, Associate and Assistant Provosts, and Deans will not be included.


Section 2. Purpose


The purpose of the organization is to:




Section 1. Eligibility for Membership 


Persons eligible to serve on the Senate shall be USS and UPS personnel appointed at Emporia State University with 0.5 or greater FTE (full time equivalent) as defined above. 


Section 2. Composition


The membership of the Senate should consist of:


Section 3. Terms of Membership  


Section 4. Voting Privileges


Each Senator shall have one vote. The President shall be a non-voting member unless a vote is needed to break a tie.  The ex-officio members do not have voting privileges.





Section 1. Officers


Officers of the Senate shall be Past President, President, President Elect, and the Secretary/Treasurer.  Any elected officers shall have served at least one year on the Senate before they are eligible for an office, unless otherwise approved by the Senate. 


Combining USS and UPS requires equal opportunity to leadership positions. For the short-term, President, President-elect, and Secretary/Treasurer will be rotated on a yearly basis if possible as follows:


The Presidency will be assumed by the President-elect each year in July.


President Elect




All new hires will be UPS from this point forward. When the USS membership dips below 50, the Staff Senate will conduct a vote to change the by-laws allowing both groups to hold any office in any year. If the motion does not pass, the rotating leadership plan will stand until a future vote by the Senate changes nomination by-laws


Section 2. Duties of Officers


Officers of the Senate and their duties are:

 A.    Past President


 B.    President



 C.   President Elect



 D.    Secretary/Treasurer




Article V


Section 1 Removal of Officers and Senators








Article VI


Section 1 Meetings




Article VII


These By-laws may be amended from time to time by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Senate.


By-Laws will take effect on January 1, 2022. Approved 12/7/2021 by USS and UPS Senates