School of Library and Information Management Wordmark

Student Chapter of the American Library Association

Emporia State University’s award-winning Student Chapter of the American Library Association is an organization for SLIM students by SLIM students. SCALA is dedicated to supporting the educational and professional goals of its members, by providing opportunities for social engagement and networking, service and leadership activities, library tours, interview and resume preparation assistance, and scholarships for professional development. All SLIM students are members of SCALA and are valued as such. Our goal is to give every student a chance to express their opinion, an opportunity to learn something new, and the potential to make an impact on the field of library and information science.

SCALA has six officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Events Coordinator. These positions are filled by election, which is held each fall – with the exception of President, which is selected in spring. We encourage all interested members to run for office. Officers get tremendous leadership and teamwork experience, in addition to the good feeling of contributing to the professional development of future library and information professionals. Representatives are also selected for each cohort at SLIM, and remain in place until their cohort has graduated.

SLIM students are encouraged to become active in their membership in SCALA. They may follow the SCALA Facebook page at, and view the website at the links provided below. These two resources are excellent ways to stay in touch about the ongoing activities of SCALA, and to let your voice be heard. You may always contact the organization directly via or contact officers via the email addresses provided on SCALA’s website. We look forward to hearing from YOU!

A look at the past: SCALA officers and faculty accepted the 2017 Student Chapter of the Year award from the New Member’s Round Table of the American Library Association:

The Student Chapter of the American Library Association (SCALA) at Emporia State University is dedicated to the educational, professional, service, and social enrichment of the students of the School of Library and Information Management (SLIM) program. 

SCALA Officers 

PRESIDENT – Zipporah Brown

Contact email: 

Alumni Coordinator/Interim Vice President Lindsey Viets

Contact email: 

Treasurer/Interim Events Coordinator Isaiah Roby

Contact email: 

Social Media Coordinator Sarah King

Contact email: 

FACULTY ADVISERS – Dr. Bobbie Sartin Long