Modern Languages Course Descriptions & Offerings

Course Overview

Introductory Modern Language Courses

SA 110 Spanish Language and Culture 1 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

SA 112 Medical Spanish 1 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

SA 115 Business Spanish 1 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

These courses are equivalent and are for students who have never had a Spanish course before or had any experience living with or working with Spanish speakers.  Spanish 1 level courses are offered every semester both in a blended format and online. These courses provide a basic introduction to language and by the end of the course students will be about to talk about themselves, family and friends, likes and dislikes and their plans in the present tense.

SA 210 Spanish Language and Culture 2 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

SA 212 Medical Spanish 2 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

SA 215 Business Spanish 2 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

These courses are equivalent and are for students who have completed Spanish 1 or 2 in high school or individuals who have had limited experience traveling or working with Spanish speakers. These courses are offered every semester both in a blended format and online. These courses develop the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking in the target language and by the end of the course the students will be able to talk about themselves and the world around them in the past and narrate and describe situations in the past.

Intermediate Spanish Courses

SA 313 Spanish Language and Culture 3 -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

This course is for students who have been successful in Spanish 3 and beyond in high school, or individuals who have had extended experience traveling or working with Spanish speakers. This course is offered every semester both in a blended format and online. The courses provide enrichment in the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking in the target language and by the end of the course the students will be able to talk about themselves and the world around them in abstract, hypothetical, and conditional ways.

SA 314 Spanish Heritage Language and Culture -- 5 CREDIT HOURS

This course is for students who identify as heritage or bilingual Spanish speakers.  This course is taught every semester in both blended and online formats. It provides formal instruction in the developing skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish.  This course takes into consideration the specific language needs of Heritage learners and approach language mechanics through culture identifications and contexts.

The Modern Languages Program offers

Reading and Conversation (SA 339 -- 3 credit hours) classes in Spanish are offered every semester in both blended format and online. These courses are designed to engage students in speaking and listening activities in the target language. Classroom activities are facilitated in the target language, and students will be able to practice their speaking and listening by building a learning community with their peers and their professor. The goal of the course is to make students feel comfortable as they “try out” and “try on” various language structures.

The French and German Reading and Conversation courses (FR/GR 339 -- 5 credit hours) are offered as need to meet the needs of students completing the Modern Languages minor in French or German.

Advanced Spanish Courses

The Modern Language Program offers Advanced Grammar and Composition (SA 359) every semester in both blended and online format, and in the summer. These courses are designed to permit students to workshop their writing skills in the target language in peer-writing groups and through a series of drafting and revising.  Through this informal workshop setting in which the course focuses on “process” vs. “product” students will develop and hone their ability to recognize and employ various language mechanics and grammatical structures. (8 weeks course offered Block 1 every semester)

 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (SA 365) is offered every fall in both blended and online format. This course is designed to permit students to workshop their writing skills in the target language in peer-writing groups and through a series of drafting and revising as they conduct close readings of various examples of Spanish language literature, such as movies, novels, short stories, poems, and essays. 

Civilizations of Spanish-Speaking Countries (SA 379) is offered twice a year, Spring and SummerIt is offered in both blended and online formats. This course is a gateway class to fourth-year Special Topics and other advanced courses.  

Advanced courses (SA 4XX) focus on close readings of texts in Spanish to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical reasoning skills in Spanish. 

 Spanish in the Professions (SA 349) is a newly developed course that provides an overview and introduction to task and topic specific vocabulary, language and cultural competency skills.  The focus of the course will vary each semester and will delimit the scope of the course to specific professions such health care, business, or media.

Medical Spanish Terminology (see Spanish in the Professions page). (12 weeks course offered in the summer)