Open Education Resource Logo for Emporia State University

Class Resource Affordability Initiative Grant (CRAIG)

The cost of textbooks is a significant obstacle in ESU’s efforts to help our students reduce educational costs. The goal of the ESU CRAIG program is to support the adoption, adaption, compilation, and creation of affordable and accessible educational resources by ESU faculty for use in their classes in order to reduce the cost of classes for ESU students. Grants can range from $1000 to $5000 depending on the type and intensity of the work needed to create the Open Educational Resource. (See: UNESCO Definition of Open Educational Resource)

The grant funds will be used in the most efficient manner possible with the goal being that each grant dollar will support the maximum number of students to save the maximum amount of money, with special attention toward general education classes. CRAIG grants have helped students enjoy more than $300,000 in textbook savings since Fall 2022

Grant applications accepted October 2 - November 3, 2023

Types of Grants:

There are four models through which resource creation may be rewarded. Each model requires an investment in time and effort to identify and create materials and implement those resources into the course. The types of grants are:

Adoption Grants ($1000): For faculty who plan to adopt/use a textbook/resource that is open access, free, and currently available.

Adaption Grants ($1000 to $3000): For faculty who plan to adapt/edit a textbook/resource that is open access, free, and currently available.

Compilation Grants ($1000 to $3000): For faculty who plan to compile a set of free resources, write material to connect and contextualize those resources, and replace a textbook with that collection of resources.

Creation Grants ($3000 to $5000): For faculty who plan to write a textbook/resource and make it available at no cost to students.

Grant Eligibility:

Any full-time faculty member who teaches classes at ESU may apply for the grant. The funding level will be determined by the complexity of the project, availability of funds, and the desire to maximize effectiveness of the funds. Awards are contingent on the awardee agreeing to and signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and completing the tasks agreed upon in the MOU. Funds may be used to complete the project outlined in the project MOU and implement into the indicated course. Funding may recompense faculty for the effort needed to complete the project, to hire an undergraduate/graduate student to assist with the project, or fund other expenses associated with the project. Projects may be collaborative with multiple authors. Multiple authors within ESU may split an award. Non-ESU authors may not receive funds from this grant. The fund may not be used to cover the purchase of commercial electronic versions of textbooks, rentals of textbooks, or for an open text that has already been adopted at ESU.

Responsibilities of Awardees

A faculty member who receives a grant will be expected to use the spring and summer of the calendar year after application to create the educational resource that is described in the application.

The faculty member who receives a grant will be expected to teach the class in the academic year after application. Faculty should not apply for a grant to create a resource for a class unless the faculty member is reasonably sure that he/she will be teaching that class in that academic year.

Each awardee will be expected to foster the next generation of grant recipients. This will include serving on the CRAIG Initiative Committee during the academic year after application. Duties of serving on this committee will be assigned and may include any of the following: write a brief report summarizing the outcomes of the funded project; selecting which grant applications should be awarded for the following year; making a presentation to ESU faculty on the experience of creating an educational resource; recruiting applicants for future rounds of grants, guiding (a) faculty member(s) on how to find open resources; mentoring future applicants; mentoring future recipients; and/or other duties which are deemed useful to help increase the number of students and the amount of money those students save on educational resources.

Selection Criteria: 

The primary goal in awarding grants will be efficiency: the desire for each dollar awarded to save the most students the most amount of money on textbook costs. Thus the awarding committee will consider:

How to AppLy: 

Applications are due on or before November 3, 2024. Submit applications to

Click here to see past Recipients