Library + Archives


[Image: Back row: John Gage, Alex Mosakowski Front row: Cynthia Kane, Melissa Emo, Dr. Terri Summey] 

Check out our instruction schedule for information about upcoming research workshops.

Instruction and Liaison Program

The library liaison is the primary contact between the Libraries & Archives and an academic unit (school, department, or program). The intention of the program is to provide each academic unit with the name of at least one person that they can contact in the library assistance with or information about library resources and services. 

The library liaison is expected to be generally well informed about the Libraries' collections, services, and resources; and able to interpret and promote these to faculty and students in his or her academic unit. The library liaison is also expected to become knowledgeable in the subject matter, the curriculum, and the information and research needs of the academic unit.

Library + Archives Tutorials and Instruction Sessions

Our library staff and faculty are dedicated to providing instruction that enables students to think critically about the information they consume every day. We provide them with the skills they need to access and use information ethically, responsibly, and productively in both the classroom and the professional workplace. We offer:

Schedule Library Instruction for a Class

The librarians at the University Libraries & Archives are trained to provide a variety of library instruction sessions customized for your class. This may include a basic library orientation with a tour of our building to more sophisticated research sessions that cover specific library resources. To schedule a library instruction session, please contact your liaison librarian or the Reference Desk at 620-341-5207.

Liaison Librarian Directory

Below is our list of library faculty (librarians) at the University Libraries & Archives. Each faculty librarian is assigned a specific area as part of our library liaison program.  To access their research guide collection, click on the faculty member's profile picture. 

Melissa Emo,

Assistant Professor / Digital Scholarship and OER Librarian

Liaison Areas include School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Office 209G - (620-341-5049)

John Gage,

Assistant Professor / Information Technologies Librarian

Liaison Areas include School of Business and Technology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science Education, Physics Education.

Office 218A - (620-341-6205)

Cynthia Kane, 

Professor / Assessment and Instruction Librarian

Liaison Areas include School of Libary and Information Management, Counselor Education, Nursing and Psychology.

Office 213 - (620-341-5480)

 Alex Mosakowski,

Assistant Professor / First Year Experience and Student Success Librarian

Liaison Areas include Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies and School of Visual and Performing Arts

Office 209I - (620) 341-5043

Dr. Terri Summey, 

Professor / Reference and Research Services Librarian

Liaison Areas include the Teachers College, Biological Sciences, Health and Physical Education and Recreation.

Office 209F - (620) 341-5058