Instructions for Authors

Emporia State Research Studies(ESRS) is an international, on-line, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. ESRS publishes original scholarly and scientific papers and creative works accompanied by critical or scholarly analysis. From 1930-2001, ESRS was published in traditional print format. We are pleased to announce that ESRS is presently fully available in electronic format.

Now considering manuscripts for future issues.

Instructions for Authors

  • Authors should provide manuscripts for review in PDF or Doc format. Other electronic formats may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

  • Text and reference style appropriate to the discipline should be utilized.

  • Length of articles is quite flexible, ranging from short notes to monographs.

  • It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission for reproduction of any copyrighted materials.

  • Final versions of accepted manuscripts should be sent digitally in plain text (txt), rich-text format (rtf) or Word (doc) files (see below).

  • Image files may be black-and-white or color pictures, and should be provided separately in tiff, gif or jpeg format (see below).

  • Do not embed images in the text file.

  • Sample humanities format.pdf and science format.pdf.


  • Please send submissions and questions about the peer-review process to Michael Smith.

  • Papers are formatted and prepared for publication by Michael Smith.

Final versions of accepted manuscripts should be sent digitally as plain text (txt), rich-text format (rtf) or Word (doc) files along with a PDF version. Image files may be black-and-white (gray tone) or color pictures, and should be provided separately in tiff, gif or jpeg format. Do not embed images in the text file. Digital image resolution should be at least 300 dpi. Column width is 3.375 inches (~1000 pixels/dots wide); full page width is 7.0 inches (2100 pixels/dots wide). Illustrations created with PowerPoint are generally not suitable for publication purposes. Short audio and video clips are also possible.