Volume 53

Issue 1, January-February 2022


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George B. Yancey, Jayashree George, Christine K.Joo and Weiwei Liu

Help seeking attitudes and behavior in India, the United States, and China

Mari Caballero, Marj Bock, and Catherine Ayantoye

What works for me: use of direct instruction, universal design for learning, mathmatics lesson plan template

Kathleen Howe and Teddy Roop

(Re)defining the ABC's of misinformation - What literacy teacher educators and K-12 teachers need to know about dyslexia and the dyslexia debate

Lesly Krome

The evoloving role of female leaders: A closer look at generation Z & Y's perspectives

Geethalakshmi Shivanapura Lakshmikanth, Liz Diers and Lidan Fan

Transitioning Computer Science major from the Mathematics Department to an Information Systems Department- Reasoning, administrative process and curriculum changes