Volume 43

Issue 1, November 2006


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Lauren R. Shaprio

The effects of question type and eyewitness temperament on accuracy and quantity of recall for a simulated misdemeanor crime

Jon Vopata, James S. Aber and Volli Kalm

Patterned ground in the Culebra Range, southern Colorado

Waseem Afzal

An argument for the increased use of qualitative research in LIS

Jonathan J. Cole

The Congo question: Conflicting visions of independence

Upton Dabney and Mike Butler

The predictive ability of the YMCA Test and Bruce Test for triathletes with different training backgrounds

Issue 2, April 2007


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Kyle Scott

Testing Schattschneider’s theory of how party competition affects policy: A state level analysis

Kelby Harrell, James S. Aber, and Richard O. Sleezer

Ross Natural History Reservation: Six decades of changing land cover and management documented by aerial photography

Gwen Carnes and Nancy Albrecht

Academic and social-emotional effects of full-day kindergarten: The benefits of time