New from Bluestem Press:

FIRST IN THE WEST: A History of the Emporia State University School of Library and Information Management

Robert Grover

The latest book from Dr. Robert Grover chronicles the history of what is now the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia State University, from inception to it's most recent state. 

Thoroughly researched, and supported by insights from colleagues, administrators, students, and staff this book explores the transformation of a few classes at Kansas State Normal School to one of the most prominent Library Science colleges in the country. 

Proceeds from sales of the book will go towards the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia State University. 

978-1-878325-39-6 - hardback

978-1-878325-40-2 - ebook

ROGER C. GREER: A Festschrift

Bob Grover, Herbert Achleitner, & Kelly Visnak

This collection of essays, interviews, and anecdotes features work by dozens of Dr. Roger C. Greer's friends, family, and colleagues. It explores his life and professional contributions to the world, honoring a man who made a difference in almost every life he touched. 

From the book: "Roger Greer was a creative teacher and a mentor to many. His creativity was evident in his work as a librarian, dean, and as a faculty member. In this festschrift we remember Roger and attempt to capture the essence of the man through his life story, emphasizing his contributions as a professional, a teacher, and an administrator through the people who knew him well. Through these remembrances by professional colleagues and family members and through selected writings by Roger, we hope to provide a tribute to the person we knew and loved."

Proceeds from sales of the festschrift will go towards the Roger Greer Diversity & Leadership Scholarship at Emporia State University. 

Hardback, Case bound;  ISBN 978-1-878325-36-5


Kevin Rabas

Inspired by the original Letters to a Young Poet by Rianer Maria Rilke, Kevin Rabas (2017-2019 Kansas Poet Laureate) brings together established and emerging poets in this collection of letters, emails, and poems.

As part of his poet laureate service Rabas matched seven established poets with seven promising writers to share wisdom, guidance, encouragement, and laughs as they navigate the literary world and the culture that pervades it.

Featuring the candid correspondences between:

The Vietnam Typescript

William H. Clamurro

In 1969 William H. Clamurro was stationed in Vietnam as an unarmed A-1-0 combat medic. 

He captured his time there as poems in a small field notebook. When he returned to the US he transcribed those poems on a cheap typewriter and hid them away in a box, where they have remained until now. 

Faithfully reproduces Clamurro’s original manuscript, complete with editor's marks, and includes the author’s thoughts on the war and his experiences there. 

The Vietnam Typescript  is at once heartbreaking and beautiful, written with the frankness and longing of a young man surrounded by suffering, Clamurro's poems contrast his dreams of home and far-away friends with the often grim, sometimes comical, realities of life in a war zone.