If You Return Home with Food

"'Having seen a world skinned in violet, / one is allowed to kiss,' says Mary Crockett Hill. There is a characteristic mixture of hope and dread in these observations. These poems are aware of life's dangers--the loneliness and estrangement we face--and thereby both celebrate and mourn our 'knuckles' bar facts,' our all too mortal bodies. Direct, yet tinged with the imaginative power of dream, this fine book is energetic, engaging, and completely unpredictable ."

Mark Cox, 1998 Final Judge

Mary Crockett Hill has taught writing at Roanoke College. Her poems have appeared in Boston Review, Commonweal, Crab Creek Review, Poetry Motel, and River Styx. She lives with her husband and child in Shawsville along the old Great Road in Virginia.

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ISBN 1-878325-20-5 (Cloth)

ISBN 1-878325-21-3 (Paper)