Are you interested in a career in Computer Science and Technology?

Note: Only registered participants will be allowed to view the event


This is your opportunity to learn more about career development in technology and interact with a diverse panel of researchers in Academia and Industry.  Topics include but are not limited to:

Career Development

Learn how to accelerate your career from the researchers and engineers in University of Tokyo, Ochanomizu University, and Microsoft

Live Discussion

Engage with professionals in a lively panel discussion, designed to answer the questions from aspiring students

Emerging Technologies

Grow your skills by learning more about the emerging technologies by the Microsoft team!


The goal of this event is to support students on their journey of building their careers


Who Can Participate?

This event is open to everyone who is currently an undergraduate or graduate student. We recommend your participation if you are interested in any of the following:

The sessions will be conducted in Japanese or English. We will keep the website updated for any information on translation or interpretation support!  

Note: Only registered participants will be allowed to view the event

The Speakers

Yoko Yamakata

Associate Professor
at University of Tokyo

Yoko Yamakata is an Associate Professor at MI center, the University of Tokyo with research interests in multimedia processing with a focus on Food AI technologies.

Takayuki Itoh

at Ochanomizu University

Takayuki Itoh is a professor director of the interdisciplinary AI & data science center at Ochanomizu. His research interest includes information visualization.

Takuji Narumi

Associate Professor
at University of Tokyo

Takuji Narumi is an Associate Professor at Department of Mechano-informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. He uses virtual reality to investigate how people perceive the world and uses this knowledge to extend human capabilities.

Akiko Komatsu

Customer Support Engineer
at Microsoft Japan

Akiko Komatsu is a support engineer for Microsoft 365 products at Microsoft Japan. While working, she enrolled in the doctoral program of Information Science at Ochanomizu University. She researched face cartoon generation systems and received a Ph.D. from Ochanomizu University in 2022.

Akiko Eriguchi

Senior Researcher
at Microsoft Corporation

Akiko is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft. Her research interests lie in multilingual NLP and deep learning. With her position in the Microsoft Translator team, she has developed MT systems and multilingual NLP applications. As a part of D&I volunteering work, she serves on the non-profit board of Women in Machine Learning, Inc., to increase the impact of women in machine learning in the community. Prior to joining Microsoft, she was a Research Fellow (DC 1) at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Lei Cui

Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research Asia

Dr. Lei Cui is a principal research manager in Natural Language Computing (NLC) group at Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China. Lei joined MSR Asia in Jan 2015 after he received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at Harbin Institute of Technology. Lei’s research interests are Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Document AI. Lei has been working in MSR Asia for 16 years starting from his internship in 2007. His work has contributed to several important products and research projects. He published 50+ research papers in top conferences in AI and NLP areas. Besides, he also held 20+ U.S. patents in AI and NLP areas.

Yoshiki Fujiwara

Software Engineer
at Microsoft Development

Yoshiki Fujiwara is a software engineer at Microsoft Development (MSD) and has developed Bing and MSN since 2021. He received a Master of computer science from the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technology at The University of Tokyo in 2023. He got a Bachelor of Science from the same university in 2021

Yukiko Shinozuka

WebXT Japan Team Product Manager
at  Microsoft Development

Yukiko Shinozuka received her Master of engineering, Keio University (2015) where she specialised in computer vision and object recognition. At present, she works as a Product Manager at Microsoft Development. Her research interests lie in image processing applications, Bing and MS Start.

Bei Lu

Senior Researcher
at Microsoft Research Asia

Bei Liu is a researcher in Multi-Modal Computing (MMC) Group, Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). Before joining Microsoft, she received her Ph.D. and master’s degree from Kyoto University, Japan. She received the B.S. degree in Nanjing University, China. Her current research interests include multimodal learning and pretraining, embodied AI, etc. 

Mawo Kamakura

Senior Research Program Manager
at Microsoft Research Asia

Mawo Kamakura is a Senior Research Program Manager at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Outreach group, covering whole Japan region for academic and industrial engagement. She completed a PhD program and received her master degree from Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo and received BS from Japan Women's University in 2004.

Note: Only registered participants will be allowed to view the event

The Schedule

Note: All time stamps are in Japan Standard Time (JST), unless stated otherwise

Part One   |   Speaker Session: Career Development in Technology

13:00 - 13:10

Opening Remarks

In English

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo & Microsoft Research Asia

13:10 - 14:40

Speaker Sessions

Order of presentations may be subject to change. 

Food AI for Human and Planet Health
Yoko Yamakata, Associate Professor at University of Tokyo

My Journey on Multi-Modality Research
Bei Liu, Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research Asia 

Virtual Reality for Understanding the Human Being and Shaping Ourselves.
Takuji Narumi, Associate Professor at University of Tokyo

The Wondrous Words of the Wondrous Worlds
      Akiko Eriguchi, Senior Researcher at Microsoft Corporation

From Industry to Academia: My Motivation for Social Contribution and Education
Takayuki Itoh, Professor at Ochanomizu University

What I Learned From Doing My PhD While Working Full Time
Akiko Komatsu, Customer Support Engineer at Microsoft Japan 

Break 14:40 - 15:10

Part Two   |   Live Session: Q&A with Speakers

15:10 - 15:55

Panel Discussion

In English and Japanese

Moderator: Mawo Kamakura (Microsoft Research Asia), Romain Harang (University of Tokyo)

Part Three   |   Technology Sharing Session: Learn the Latest Tech By Microsoft

16:00 - 16:35

New Bing: Behind the Innovation

In Japanese

Yukiko Shinozuka
WebXT Japan Team Product Manager at Microsoft Development

16:35 - 17:10

Large Language Models and Artificial General Intelligence

In English

Lei Cui
Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research Asia 

17:10 - 17:20

Closing Remarks

In English

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo 

Note: Only registered participants will be allowed to view the event

The Venue

Sanjo Conference Hall,

The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus

Online link will be shared to registered participants

2023.06.17 (Sat) 13:00 - 17:00

*Please take necessary precautions to present to the venue at least 10min before the event starts 

Note: Only registered participants will be allowed to view the event

Contact : ist-kikaku.t◎
*please change ◎ to @ when sending an email.

Main Organizer:東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 創造的展開プロジェクト