Juno Kim

Hello! I am a Master's student at the University of Tokyo, supervised by Taiji Suzuki. I am also associated with RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project. My research interests lie in the mathematical foundations of modern machine learning, focusing on mean-field dynamics, stochastic optimization and statistical guarantees for deep neural networks. I am also interested in exploring emergent capabilities of large language models. Before moving to Japan, I received my B.Sc. in Mathematics and Statistics at Seoul National University as Valedictorian of '23. You can contact me at: junokim (at) g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research & Publications

Education & Experience

RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, Japan Dec 2023 – present
Deep Learning Theory Team, Part-time Researcher

University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Apr 2023 – present
M.Sc. in Mathematical Informatics (expected graduation date: Mar 2025)

Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea Mar 2018 – Feb 2023
B.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences
B.Sc. in Statistics
Graduated Valedictorian of the College of Natural Sciences (GPA 4.28/4.3)
Undergraduate Research Intern Jun 2019 Feb 2023
Dept. of Statistics Peer Tutor (Mathematical Statistics I, II) Mar 2022 – Dec 2022
Military Service Sep 2020 – Mar 2022

Scholarships & Awards

Japanese Government Scholarship Apr 2023 – present
National Scholarship, Kwanjeong Educational Foundation Mar 2020 – Feb 2023
Eminence Scholarship, Seoul National University Sep 2018 – Feb 2020

President Award, Highest Honors, Seoul National University Feb 2023
President Award, Korean Statistical Society Feb 2023
4th Place, Simon Marais Mathematics Competition Oct 2022
Gold Prize, College Mathematics Competition Dec 2019 

Conferences & Visits

I love attending conferences, traveling to new places and meeting new people who share my interests. My hobbies are weight training, recreational math, guitar and chess. I am fluent in Korean, English and Japanese and learning German and French.

International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria Jul 21 – 27
International Conference on Learning Representations, Vienna, Austria May 7 – 11
UCL Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, London, UK (visiting) Mar 28
Workshop on Functional Inference and Machine Intelligence, Bristol, UK Mar 25 27
Tokyo Deep Learning Workshop, Tokyo, Japan Mar 18 – 20
Machine Learning Summer School, Okinawa, Japan Mar 4 – 15

NYU Center for Data Science, New York, USA (visiting) Dec 16 – 19
Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, USA Dec 10 – 16
Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop, Kyushu, Japan Oct 29 – Nov 1
Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyoto, Japan Sep 3 – 7