Guanming, G., György, B., Takimoto, G., Bearup, D., Fagan, W. F., Chen, D., and Liao, J. (2023) Towards a mechanistic understanding of variation in aquatic food chain length. Ecology Letters 26 (11): 1926-1939.
Kagawa, K., Takimoto, G. and Seehausen, O. (2023) Transgressive segregation in mating traits drives hybrid speciation. Evolution 77 (7): 1622-1633. OPEN ACEESS
Satow, T. and Takimoto, G. (2023) Range expansions of sexual versus asexual organisms: Effects of reproductive assurance and migration load. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36 (4): 698-708. OPEN ACCESS
Kawata, S. and Takimoto, G. (2023) Pollinator predation stabilizes plant–pollinator mutualisms through the modification of pollinator behavior. Ecological Research 38 (2): 360-366.
Takimoto, G., Kagawa, K., Satow, T. & Sakamoto, T. (2022) Increased floral rewards due to local adaptation drives plant ecological speciation via learned preferences of pollinators. The American Naturalist 200: 834-845. OPEN ACCESS
Takimoto, G., Shirakawa, H. & Sato, T. (2022) The relationship between vector species richness and the risk of vector-borne infectious diseases. The American Naturalist 200: 330-344. OPEN ACCESS
Takimoto, G. & Nishijima, S. (2022) A simple theory for the mesopredator release effect: when does an apex predator protect their shared prey from a mesopredator? Oikos 5: e09021. OPEN ACCESS
Sato, T., Ueda, R., and Takimoto, G. (2021) The effects of resource subsidy duration in a detritus‐based stream ecosystem: A mesocosm experiment. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 1142-1151.
Takimoto, G. and Sato, T. (2020) Phenology in a community context: Toward a better understanding of the causes and consequences of phenology in seasonal environments. Ecological Research 35: 442-444.
Takimoto, G. and Sato, T. (2020) Timing and duration of phenological resources: Toward a mechanistic understanding of their impacts on community structure and ecosystem processes in stream food chains. Ecological Research 35: 463-473. OPEN ACCESS
Takimoto, G. (2020) Direct and indirect effects of facilitation and competition in ecological communities: population persistence, coexistence, and species diversity along the stress gradients. In: Diversity of Functional Traits and Interactions (ed. Mougi, A.): 81-108.
Kagawa, K. and Takimoto, G. (2018) Hybridization can promote adaptive radiation by means of transgressive segregation. Ecology Letters 21: 264-274. OPEN ACCESS
Kadoya, T., Osada, Y., and Takimoto, G. (2016) Bayesian isotope mixing model for quantification of food–web structure (In Japanese, 邦題:安定同位体比データをもちいた補食-被食ネットワークのモデル化). Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics / 統計数理 64: 77–92.
Armstrong, J.B., Takimoto, G., Schindler, D.E., Hayes, M.M., and Kauffman, M.J. (2016) Resource waves: phenological diversity enhances foraging opportunities for mobile consumers. Ecology 97: 1099-1112.
Kagawa, K. and Takimoto, G. (2016) Inaccurate color discrimination by pollinators promotes evolution of discrete color polymorphism in food-deceptive flowers. The American Naturalist 187: 194-204. OPEN ACCESS
Nishijima, S., Takimoto G., and Miyashita, T. (2015) Autochthonous or allochthonous resources determine the characteristic population dynamics of ecosystem engineers and their impacts. Theoretical Ecology 9: 117-127.
Takimoto G. and Suzuki K. (2016) Global stability of obligate mutualism in community modules with facultative mutualists. Oikos 125: 535-540.
Kagami, M., Miki, T., and Takimoto, G. (2015) Mycoloop: chytrids in aquatic food webs. Frontiers in Microbiology 5: 166.
Nishijima, S., Takimoto, G., and Miyashita, T. (2014) Roles of alternative prey for mesopredators on trophic cascades in intraguild predation systems: a theoretical perspective. The American Naturalist 183: 625-637.
Yokomizo, H. and Takimoto, G. (2014) Making the most of mathematical models for effective environmental management. Population Ecology 56: 3-5.
Kagawa, K. and Takimoto, G. (2014) Predation on pollinators promotes co-evolutionary divergence in plant-pollinator mutualisms. The American Naturalist 183: 229-243.
Mizusawa, L., Takimoto, G., Yamasaki, M., Isagi, Y., and Hasegawa, M. (2014) Comparison of pollination characteristics between the insular shrub Clerodendrum izuinsulare and its widespread congener C. trichotomum. Plant Species Biology 29: 73-84.
Tomimatsu, H., Sasaki, T., Kurokawa, H., Bridle, J. R., Fontaine, C., Kitano, J., Stouffer, D. B., Vellend, M., Bezemer, T. M., Fukami, T., Hadly, E. A., van der Heijden, M. G. A., Kawata, M., Kéfi, S.,, Kraft, N. J. B., McCann, K. S., Mumby, P. J., Nakashizuka, T., Petchey, O. L., Romanuk, T. N., Suding, K. N., Takimoto, G., Urabe, J., and Yachi, S. (2013) Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 50: 1124-1130.
Ito, K., and Takimoto, G. (2013) Prediction of expansion of golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, in Lake Kasumigaura using a meta-population model (In Japanese, 邦題:メタ個体群モデルを用いた霞ヶ浦におけるカワヒバリガイの分布拡大予測). Japanese Journal of Benthology/日本ベントス学会誌 68: 42-48.
Piovia-Scott, J., Spiller, D. A., Takimoto, G., Yang, L. H., Wright, A. N., and Schoener, T. W. (2013) The effect of chronic seaweed subsidies on herbivory: plant-mediated fertilization pathway overshadows lizard-mediated predator pathways. Oecologia 172: 1129-1135.
Wright, A. N., Piovia-Scott, J., Spiller, D. A., Takimoto, G., Yang, L. H., and Schoener, T. W. (2013) Pulses of marine subsidies amplify reproductive potential of lizards by increasing individual growth rate. Oikos 122: 1496-1504.
Takimoto, G., and Post, D. M. (2013) Environmental determinants of food-chain length: a meta-analysis. Ecological Research 28: 675-681. Online Article.
Kadoya, T., Osada, Y., and Takimoto, G. (2012) IsoWeb: a Bayesian isotope mixing model for diet analysis of the whole food web. PLoS ONE 7: e41057. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041057 Open Access.
Takimoto, G., Post, D. M., Spiller, D. A., and Holt, R. D. (2012) Effects of productivity, disturbance, and ecosystem size on food-chain length: insights from a metacommunity model of intraguild predation. Ecological Research 27:481-493. Online Article.
Takimoto, G. (2011) Local-regional richness relationships and alternative stable states in metacommunities with local facilitation. Theoretical Ecology 4:385-395. Online Article.
Miki, T., Takimoto, G., and Kagami, M. (2011) Roles of parasitic fungi in aquatic food webs: a theoretical approach. Freshwater Biology 56:1173-1183.
Nakano, T. and Takimoto, G. (2011) Non-native species interactions between blue-striped nettle grub moths and assassin bugs in Japan (In Japanese, 邦題:ヒロヘリアオイラガとヨコヅナサシガメの外来生物間相互作用). Japanese Journal of Entomology (New Series)/昆蟲(ニューシリーズ) 14:11-20.
Spiller, D. A., Piovia-Scott, J., Wright, A. N., Yang, L. H., Takimoto, G., Schoener, T. W., and Iwata, T. (2010) Marine subsidies have multiple effects on coastal food webs. Ecology 91:1424-1434.
Takimoto, G. (2009) Early warning signals of demographic regime shifts in invading populations. Population Ecology 51:412-426.
Takimoto, G., Iwata, T., and Murakami, M. (2009) Timescale hierarchy determines the indirect effects of fluctuating subsidy inputs on in situ resources. The American Naturalist 173:200-211.
Takimoto, G., Spiller, D. A., and Post, D. M. (2008) Ecosystem size, but not disturbance, determines food-chain length on islands of the Bahamas. Ecology 89:3001–3007.
Seehausen, O., Takimoto, G., Roy, D., and J. Jokela. (2008) Speciation reversal and biodiversity dynamics with hybridization in changing environments. Molecular Ecology 17: 30-44.
Takimoto, G., Miki, T., and Kagami, M. (2007) Intraguild predation promotes complex alternative states along a productivity gradient. Theoretical Population Biology 72: 264-273.
Post, D. M., and Takimoto, G. (2007) Proximate structural mechanisms for variation in food-chain length. Oikos 116: 775-782.
Post, D. M., Layman, C. A., Arrington, A., Takimoto, G., Quattrochi, J., and Montana, C. G. (2007) Getting to the fat of the matter: models, methods, and assumptions for dealing with lipids in stable isotope analyses. Oecologia 152: 179-189.
Takimoto, G. (2003) Adaptive plasticity in ontogenetic niche shifts stabilizes consumer-resource dynamics. The American Naturalist 162: 93-109.
Takimoto, G., Iwata, T. and Murakami, M. (2002) Seasonal subsidy stabilizes food web dynamics: balance in a heterogeneous landscape. Ecological Research 17: 433-439.
Takimoto, G.(2002) Polygenic inheritance is not necessary for sympatric speciation by sexual selection. Population Ecology 44: 87-91.
Takimoto, G., Higashi, M. and Yamamura, N. (2000) A deterministic genetic model for sympatric speciation by sexual selection. Evolution 54: 1870-1881.
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