Funamizu lab


the University of Tokyo

Established March 2020!! We are interested in how the brain perceives and interprets sensory inputs to perform behavior. How does the prior knowledge affect sensory perception? Our lab identifies the neuronal processes of decision making and compares the functions with machine learning algorithms. 

Positions available for Graduate students and Postdocs

We are looking for Graduate Students who are interested in following topics:  

Our lab is taking students through Department of Life Science, the University of Tokyo. Please go to the website and receive the information about entrance exam. Contact us anytime for lab visit, Zoom discussion, questions and discussions. 

We are also looking for postdocs and JSPS research fellows for next year. Please email us anytime. 

Email:  funamizu [at]

News & Topics

2024.5 Our paper (first author: Kotaro Ishizu) is published in Nature Communications (

2024.5 Huayi Gao and Yuki Yoneyama joined as a Technician.

2024.4 Myung Chung (Research Associate), Shun Araki (Researcher), and Tomoya Taenaka (M1) joined 

2024.3 Graduation of Kotaro Ishizu and Ines Ribeiro.

2024. 2 Preprint (first author: Shuo Wang) is open in bioRxiv (

2023. 11 Our students' first international conference. 1 oral and 2 posters @ Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

2023. 10 Research of Funamizu (done in Zador lab, CSHL) is in Current Biology (

2023. 9 Yutaro Ueoka (Research Associate) received a Conference Encouragement Award @ JNNS2023.

2023. 4  Kouta Yamada (Researcher) and Hayato Maeda (M1) joined

2023. 3  First Master Course Graduate from our lab!, Congratulation Kakuma Hata!!

2023. 2  Maria Ines de Sa Ribeiro joined as a Technician

2022. 8  Aina Yamane joined as a Technician

2021. 4  Taku Hirota (D1) and Shosuke Nishimoto (M1) joined

2022. 1   Yutaro Ueoka joined as a Researcher

Past topics

year 2021

2021. 11  Yasuo Kabe (D2@Univ. Tokyo) joined as a Short-term Technician (until 2022. 3) 

2021. 8  Naoki Ishida (M1@Univ. Tokyo) joined as a Short-term Technician (until 2021. 10)

2021. 8  First article from our lab is in  iScience (

2021. 5 Review on Clinical Neuroscience ~意思決定と行動選択の神経科学~ (in Japanese)

2021. 4  Shuo Wang (D1) and Kakuma Hata (M1) joined

2021. 2  Yu Nakanishi  (B3@Univ. Tokyo) joined as a Short-term Technician (until 2021. 3)

year 2020

2020. 12 Review on Japanense Neural Network Society (in Japanese) ( )

2020. 3   Lab start!!