Ms. Brigance

For 24 years I have been privileged to spend my days teaching and supporting the learning of students in school.  I have served students as a classroom teacher, ESL Specialist, and Dyslexia Teacher. My favorite part of teaching is seeing my students' excitement when they finally understand something that challenged them or seeing them get to spend time in content in which they are really interested. I recently moved to Denton with my daughter and two dogs. I am excited to be living in a different place at this stage of life and having new adventures. 


Foods items: Mexican food, Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, Dr. Pepper, unsweet tea, Funyuns, sweet and salty

Shopping: Bath and Body Works, Amazon, Target

Favorite smells: eucalyptus & spearmint, mahogany teakwood, flanel, crisp morning air, Autumn

Colors: teal, shades of blue, pink & grey