All You Need          to Know About       First Grade

Daily Folders:

Your child will bring home a folder each day that includes their completed and checked classwork. We do not do number grades in Denton ISD, so you will not see grades on your child’s papers.  If there is something that your child needs to review or complete on their work you will see a teacher note at the top of the page. Have your child correct/complete their work and return it to school in their book bags to be checked. Please clean these folders out each night and return them in your child’s backpack to school each day.



Your child will have reading to complete every night for homework.  They will be bringing home a Guided Reading Bag every night of the week with books for them to read or reread. Please return your child's book bag with them in their backpack every day to school.


Personal Belongings:

Please label all of your child’s belongings before sending them to school especially backpacks, lunch boxes, and jackets.  These are all commonly misplaced items at the school, and with a name tag they can easily be returned to their owners.


Dress Code:

Please follow the district guidelines for appropriate school dress.  Students are required to wear tennis shoes on days they are attending PE. Please see our attached Special Areas schedule page in this packet. Spirit days are every Friday.  Show your school spirit by dressing your child in a Ryan Wrangler t-shirt or something bandana red and denim. 



Please follow the student handbook procedure if your child requires medication on a regular basis during the school year.  Please do not put ANY medication in your child’s backpack to keep in the classroom.



Your child’s presence is very important in our classroom. If for some reason your child is going to be absent please fill out the email that is sent to you from Denton ISD after your child is counted absent at school. The link that is sent will require a note from you or a doctor to excuse their absence. You can also send me a Remind message to let me know that they will be absent, but that will not count as their excuse note from the district.



Please use the School Cafe App to add funds to your child's breakfast and lunch account. If you would like your child to purchase extra snacks or ice cream throughout the week when they are available, you can apply money to your child’s account with a debit/credit card on the Denton ISD website under nutrition. 



We will have snack time each afternoon in class.  If you would like your child to have a snack please send it with them in their lunch box/backpack.  Snacks need to be healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetables, pretzels, or crackers.  Please DO NOT send snacks full of sugar such as candy or cookies. Because of food allergies in our classroom, I will not have extra snacks available for those students who do not bring a snack.



You must notify the front office if you are making changes to your child’s regular transportation schedule.  Please do not send a verbal message through your child about these changes.  Your child will not be released from the school until these changes are confirmed.  If you have any other questions regarding transportation please refer to the “ WS Ryan Parent Handbook.”



Birthdays are a very special occasion in our classroom.  If you would like to send snacks to help us celebrate your child’s special day please notify me in advance. Please note that it is against school policy to send out birthday party invitations unless everyone in the class is invited.  If you would like to invite only boys or girls in the class that is fine, but please include all of them.


Field Trips:

We will be attending a field trip in first grade in the spring.  Dates and destinations are still tentative.  Chaperones are welcome to attend the field trips once they have completed a background check through the district.  You will also be responsible for providing your own transportation to the field trip. 



Parent volunteers are a vital part of our classroom.  Please let me know if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.  Everyone can help in their own way to make our classroom even more successful this school year. 



The Parent-Teacher Association is a very active and important part of WS Ryan Elementary.  I hope that every parent will consider becoming a member and staying involved with your child’s school.


Amazon Wishlist:

I have created an Amazon Wishlist full of materials that we need to jump start our school year.  I will update this throughout the school year to accommodate our continuing classroom needs.  Here is the link-



We will be using the Remind App this school year for the most up-to-date information about our classroom.  I can send pictures and notes about our class and your students individually each week and you can communicate with me throughout the school day as well.  Please see the attached sheet for information on how to sign up today!


I really appreciate you taking the time to read through all of this information about your child’s school year.  I am looking forward to being your child’s first grade teacher.  I know that we will have a wonderful year getting to know each other and learning together!   



Shelley Langford