Service Projects

Face Painting

Cheerleaders volunteered at RMS'

annual Trunk or Treat.  

The team offered free face painting to those that

 attended the fun campus/community event.  

Food Drive / Volunteering

Our RMS cheerleaders held a food drive at school to collect food to donate to LovePacs Denton.  

Through the food drive, they collected 329 food items that were donated in the name of RMS.

Cheerleaders also volunteered their time at LovePacs Denton to help organize and assemble food boxes for those in need on November 4, 2023.

The team assembled and packed 55 boxes of food that were sent home over Thanksgiving Break with Denton ISD students that might not have enough food over the long break.  LovePacs Denton is an amazing organization that supports Denton ISD families, especially students.  It was an honor to volunteer our time at their location.