Arrival Information

7:15 - Doors open for students buying breakfast

7:25 - Doors open for students to go to their classrooms

7:40 AM - Tardy Bell; begin Morning Announcements

9:30 AM - Attendance recorded


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress authorized spending that allowed schools to serve free meals for all students. Those funds are not authorized to continue for the 2022-2023 school year. As a result, Denton ISD must return to charging for school meals and offering free and reduced-price meals based on student eligibility.

Starting on Aug. 1, families are encouraged to complete the Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals through the School Cafe portal.

When you login to School Cafe, look on the left hand side for the APPLY link under the Benefits section.

If you have not loaded more lunch money on your student’s account, please note that they might have a negative balance that you will need to update.

ALSO - Please check the lunch calendar with your students. If your kids are picky eaters, please send a lunch from home.

Snacks/Water Bottles

Please send your child with one or two SMALL, healthy snacks.

We also encourage students to bring a water bottle. Please remind students to take their water bottle home daily for cleaning. There are water filling stations available throughout the building.

Healthy Snack Suggestions


plain popcorn



granola bars



cereal bars

dry cereal



dried fruit




Birthday Celebrations

We all have one and we love celebrating them! In class they will receive a birthday crown, sticker and bracelet.

If you would like to provide additional treats, please email me in advance to schedule to ensure I set time aside at the end of the day to pass them out. Please make sure that you provide individual servings for the celebration, i.e. cupcakes, cookies, etc. Please note, providing extra treats is completely optional.

4th Grade Dismissal Procedures

Car riders

3rd Grade Car Riders will be held in a grade level classroom until their car tag and color is called. Students will then exit the building through the front doors and will head to the respective color square to be loaded by a staff member. Students will only be released to those in vehicles with visible car tags. Both lanes will be utilized for loading. Please stay in your cars.

Bus Riders, Daycare and Extended Day

Bus riders and daycare students will be escorted to the gym and bus circle area at 2:55 pm. ESD students will be escorted to the cafeteria at 3:00 pm. Students may not ride home on the bus unless they are registered for bus transportation. In addition, students are only permitted to ride the bus to which they have registered.

Walkers and Bike Riders

Walkers will be escorted to the back playground doors and dismissed at 3:00. Students meeting with parent guardians will be checked out as supervised walkers at exit number 7 (between the gym and cafeteria), and parents will show their car tags to identify themselves to the dismissing teacher. All walking students will walk along the sidewalks around the school to the Providence Village subdivision. We encourage siblings who are walking home together as unsupervised walkers choose a meeting spot right outside the doors - like at the rock wall.

Bike riders will be dismissed at 3:00 through the doors next to the library. Bike riders will also walk their bikes along the sidewalks around the school to the Providence Village subdivision until they reach the fence to then ride their bikes home. Students should promptly leave the bicycle racks and must not sit on or ride another student’s bicycle.

Dismissal Changes

Any changes in dismissal procedures for a student must come via a phone call or note to the office from the parent. It is best to send the note to ssanchez@dentonisd.org as well as to dscullion@dentonisd.org. Calls for changing dismissal must come into the front office (940-369-1900) by 2:00 p.m. Teachers will place a Ride Change sticker on the student’s shirt so the change is visible and to ensure the student gets to the correct dismissal location. As a safety precaution, school personnel will NOT take a child’s word for dismissal changes. Without notification from parents, students will go home via their “normal” mode.

Early Dismissal

If a student is leaving early for a medical or dental appointment, the parent must provide a note from the doctor or dentist verifying the appointment upon their return to school. Due to dismissal procedures, students may not be released from the office between 2:45 and 3:10 pm.

Students who are checked out through the front office will be allowed to leave only with those individuals listed as guardians or emergency contacts. Proper ID will also be checked with those who are unfamiliar to the front office staff. Both parents/legal guardians will have the right to pick up their children unless the school has legal documents that designate otherwise.

It is crucial that arrangements be made for students to be picked up on time. School personnel are unable to supervise students after 3:10 p.m.