ABCs of Kindergarten

The ABCs of Kindergarten:

a. Monday Envelope — A large manila envelope will come home every Monday afternoon. Inside this envelope you will find information from the school and from me, as well as some of your child’s work. Please empty the envelope, sign and date the front and return it to school on Tuesday.

b. Arrival Time — School starts at 7:40. It is very important for your child to be at school and on time every day. Your child may enter the classroom at 7:25. Before this time he/she will have to wait in the gym. The attendance and tardy policies are discussed in the student handbook. Please read these policies, as the district is very strict on the matter. Perfect attendance means no absences and no tardies.

c. Lunch — We eat lunch from 11:50–12:20. You are welcome to come and eat with your child anytime after the first two weeks. Please meet him/her in the cafeteria. You will have to enter through the front doors of the school and get a visitors pass. All other doors will be locked.

d. Dismissal — If you child is a car rider he/she will be dismissed from the sidewalk on Emerson at the designated Kindergarten pick-up sight. If your child walks home with you, he/she will be dismissed from the back door closest to our classroom. If your child rides the bus or daycare he/she is walked to the bus area by another staff member. If your child stays with the Extended Day program one of their personnel will pick your child up from our classroom. If for any reason your regular routine changes please send me a note and let me know so I can plan accordingly.

e. Absences — If your child is absent please send a written note of explanation on his/her day of return. Your child will have an unexcused absence unless a written a note is sent within 48 hours. There are no exceptions.

f. Book Orders — Several times during the year I will send home book orders. These book orders are a good opportunity for you to get popular, quality books for your child at a good price. Ordering is entirely optional. If you do choose to purchase books please do not send cash. A check or money order will need to be made to the book company. You can also order books on line if you choose. See the information on the first book order for more details about ordering on line.

g. Birthday parties — I love to celebrate your child’s birthday in class. Usually we spend the last few minutes of the day celebrating with parents bringing cookies and juice for the class.

h. Change of clothes — Please have an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack just in case an accident occurs.

i. Baggy books — Starting later in the first semester students will be bringing home guided reading books in a zip lock bag. We call them “baggy books”. Your child needs to read this story to you and then bring the book back the next day. He/she may have the same baggy book for several trips home. Just remember to return them everyday because we use these in class.

j. Our classroom is often on the chilly side. You may want to send a light sweater for your child to wear. Send one that can remain in his/or her backpack.

I hope this has helped you with some of the basics of kindergarten. If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, note, or email.