About Mrs. Koontz

Hello, my name is Mrs. Koontz! I knew from the time I was a little girl that I wanted to be a teacher. There are many official and unofficial teachers in my family and they all knew how to make learning fun. I grew up in Denton and always loved school. I received my teaching degree from Texas A & M University and I have been teaching ever since. I have taught students in kindergarten, first grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and Title One Reading. Whenever people hear that, they always ask which grade level is my favorite one and my favorite one is always the one I am currently teaching. In other words, I have loved them all! Each grade has many unique experiences, and I have learned many valuable things from my students in every grade. I believe the reason that I love being a teacher is because I still love to learn. Most importantly, I have the most wonderful daughter in the whole wide world - really! We both love to read, travel, and learn about history. Her name is Macy and she is my very best friend! Traveling together has taught us to love people, respect other cultures, and to be grateful. I hope after taking my class you will want to travel, too!


Children must be taught that what we are teaching is the ability to think and that they must be a partner in this process.

My mission is to prepare students to solve problems in the future when I cannot even imagine what the questions will be. I must engage them in their own learning and lead them to take responsibility for themselves as they learn to respect both the responsibilities, as well as, the freedoms that accompany productive citizens of our global community.