Mrs. Hastings

I am Diane Hastings from New Orleans, LA. I used to be a school psychologist before coming to Texas with my family. I did testing and worked with "at-risk" students. After a few years at home in Texas, I substituted, then became a certified teacher. I love being a special education teacher because I get to work with kids in more than one subject, to help them achieve their goals!

In my family, I have one daughter and son-in-law, and a WONDERFUL new grandson!!! I also have two sons and an AWESOME husband of 35 years. Our most precious poodle, Hailey, passed away last year so we are currently pet-less...first time EVER!!!

My hobbies are reading, watching crime shows, listening to my husband's jazz band, and Skyping with Nelson, my grandson! When my youngest son was in 5th grade, some of us PTA moms and teachers started a Book Club and now, 15 years later, it is still going strong!! Reading is my FAVORITE thing to do and mysteries are my favorite books. I also LOVE to solve puzzles, which is why I like MATH!!

I love to learn ALL the TIME. To me, its like solving a puzzle or discovering new things you've never known. Sometimes you have to use all kinds of different tools to uncover the meaning or the answer, but when you finally do...WOW!!! It's amazing!!!

What's great about knowledge is that it is always with you. Think of your brain as a big library or museum that you can take with you all the time! Even when you become "old", like me!! I look forward to sharing and learning with all of you !!