Course Selection

Denton ISD Course Guides and Instructional Planning

Below is a link to the DISD Course Guide. Here you can find course descriptions as well as information on graduation plans, various district programs, and more.

 2024-2025 Denton ISD Instructional Planning Guide - District guidelines for Graduation, GPA, & Programs

Denton ISD Course Selection Website

CLICK HERE to access Denton ISD's Course Planning and Course Selection website. This site houses GREAT resources about the programs and classes offered in the district, as well as help in showing you and your student how to register for classes for the 2022-2023 school year.


LaGrone Academy Course Information

The majority of classes held at the LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex (ATC) require course fees. Please use the guide of the estimated 2024-2025 course fees linked below when planning your classes.

ATC Career and Technology Education (CTE) Programs of Study

2024-2025 Estimated ATC Course Fees

Course Options by Grade Level

Placing Course Requests in SchooLinks