Library2Go Bookmobile

Denton I.S.D.

Routes for 2024

Rutas para el 2024

**Recent change! All stops at Evers Park Elementary will now be at Strickland Middle School**

Checkout is available for everyone! 

No library card or membership required. 

¡El préstamo de libros está disponible para todos. 

No es necesario tener credencial de la biblioteca ni ser socio!

*Click on links below to access each zone's bookmobile schedule. 

*Haga clic en los enlaces siguientes para acceder a los horarios de los Libros móviles de cada zona.

Take a look at the Summer Reading Websites prepared just for you!

The sites include book recommendations, reading challenges, e-books, and more!

Or on any social media at #L2GDentonISD

Denton ISD Library2Go is the grateful recipient of a Denton Benefit League grant.

Denton ISD - Library Services ~ 1212 Bolivar - Denton, Texas 76201  ~ 940-369-0696