
Oct 12: Ellevation student monitoring forms are due.



Ways to support ELs in the mainstream classroom

How Dialogue Journals Build Teacher-Student Relationships

When I was in middle and high school ... a LONG time ago, we used to write notes and pass them to our friends between classes. Sometimes we would write them on a single sheet of paper and fold them but if it was a REALLY good friend, you would have an entire journal of notes! One person would buy a spiral notebook and then we would write notes back and forth. Instead of passing a folded note in the hallway, we would pass off the spiral notebook. After one person wrote a note, the other would write back. This process continued until the entire journal was full! Then, the other person bought a new one.

This reminded me of Dialogue Journals, where teachers write letters back and forth with their students. What a great way to encourage your ELL's to write in a risk-free environment.

Knowing your English Learners

Performance-Level Descriptors (PLDs) give teachers, parents/guardians, and students more information about the typical skills and knowledge a student demonstrates on state assessments in each performance level. PLDs are linked to state-adopted content standards and are used as guides by standard-setting committees as they make recommendations for the scores needed to achieve performance levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced High) on statewide assessments.

In addition to being used in the standard setting process, PLDs may serve a number of purposes. They can be used as a tool in classroom instruction because they assist teachers and schools in better understanding a student’s performance on a given assessment. PLDs can also enhance parents’ understanding of their child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and can help the community at large better understand state test scores and the level of performance required of students

Summary of Proficiency level descriptors (PLD's)



Basics of ellevation

Learn what your student's profile looks like and information that is available to you.

Training from Hemet Unified School District.


Monitoring forms

Click on the image to learn how to submit monitoring forms on Ellevation.

Due by Oct 12, 2018