Consider taking pictures to document the learning process and adding it to a Bulb reflection.

Important Vocabulary (Unplugged)


A step-by-step set of instructions used to solve a problem or complete a task.


The order in which things happen, like patterns and events.


The action of doing something over and over again.

Learn with Code (Plugged and Unplugged)

Learn: DO: Reflect:

Whole Group Whole Group, Partner-Work, or Stations Independent


Coding is how we tell computers, tablets, and phones what to do.

During the hour of code you will learn how to create sets of instructions, called algorithms, to solve puzzles in an app. You will also learn how to use loops to make solving puzzles easier.


  1. Download the CodeSpark Academy with the Foos app from Manager.

  2. Click the "Schools" button in the upper-left corner.

  3. Click "Students".

  4. Click "Hour of Code" at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Click the Puzzles button.

  6. Complete the Donut Detective and Tool Trouble Puzzles. If you have extra time, you can work through the other puzzles.

If learners need a help session/tutorials, they can click the "Footorials: Demo Mode!" at the bottom of the screen.


Download the Flip app and

enter the join code: k2hoc

Unplugged with Code - Whole Group

The linked documents are optional unplugged activities your class can complete to gain a better understanding of basic coding concepts.

Extend with Code (Plugged Activities)

Create with Code

Use the Scratch Jr. or Tynker Jr. app to create algorithms that tell a story using code.

Solve with Code

Continue creating algorithms to solve puzzles in the Kodable, Lightbot, or Box Island app.