Computer Science Education Week:

The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).  

The Hour of Code is held each year to help learners of all ages, all around the world, learn the basics of coding.  Computer programming helps develop problem solving, computational thinking, and creativity skills.

Reference: The Hour of Code is coming. What will you create? (2018). Retrieved November, 2018, from

Computer Science Education Week is December 4-10, 2023

Why is Computational Thinking Important?

What is computational thinking? Computational thinking is the ability to take a task, and break it down step by step. Think about making a PB&J sandwich, even in this simple task there are many steps that need to occur for it to happen.

Why? In having students presented with opportunities to practice computational thinking they are able to understand a problem better, and approach it logically. It helps them understand the idea of cause and effect, and how one action can lead to another whether that be intentional or not. Within practicing computational thinking students are able to have exposure to four critical skills.

Workflow Considerations

Watch the video to see how to log into and use the new version of Flip, formerly known as Flipgrid.