Mrs. Mundy's 4th grade class
Mrs. Mundy’s Class Schedule
7:35-8:00 Homeroom - warm-up, announcements, 3G
8:00-9:30 Reading/Social Studies
9:30-10:10 Writing
10:10-11:40 Math
11:40-12:20 Science
12:20-12:50 Recess
12:50-1:20 Lunch
1:20-2:10 Specials
2:10-3:00 XLT - Intervention and Enrichment
3:00-3:10 Homeroom wrap-up, jobs, dismissal
3:10 Dismissal
About me
This is my 11th year in education and my 4th year here at OCES! I am so excited to be partner teaching with Ms. Flores.
I am certified in Early Childhood Education through 8th grade, ESL and GT certified.
My husband and I, and our 3 children live here in New Braunfels. We have two daughters who are 8 and 6, and one son who is 5. All three kids attend Oak Creek Elementary! We love spending time together swimming and traveling!
Most student resources are available via Classlink through the Comal ISD website! Below is an extra site to practice math facts!