Danville Middle School LIBRARY

LIBRARY HOURS: 8:00am - 3:50pm

Book Checkout & Return:

A student can check out THREE books at a time.  

Books are due in 3 weeks, but you can extend your time.  You will need to see Ms. Day or the library aides for help with extending time.

Ms. Day or the library aides will scan your books for checkout.

To return a book, all a student needs to do is place it on the "RETURN CART."  

You can place a HOLD on a book to reserve it by logging into Class Link and selecting Destiny.  Search for the book then click HOLD IT to reserve.

Library Environment:

The library is open all day to any patron.  You will come with your classes sometimes, but many times you will visit on your own.  You are welcome!

Please make a good attempt to not disturb others around you, but the library is a good place for academic discussion, collaboration, making new friends and discovering new interests.  For patrons who want quiet places to read, we must remember to respect their environment as well.

Also, we are proud of our campus and our library!  Please do your best to take care of the furniture, carpet and BOOKS! 

Ms. Kristen Day, Librarian

First, I am a mother. I am a librarian and a book explorer.  I am a fan of music, fitness and the beach. And, I love goat cheese. And Gordon Ramsey...  and elephants.

I love being a librarian because I can help you develop interests! Whether you discover a new talent, new knowledge, a new problem to solve or a new level of understanding, cultivating interests is the best way to grow and evolve. Reading and learning are key components to personal evolution.