Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Vehicle Driving Safety

Miles McFadden

Authors: Miles McFadden, Abhishek Sharma, and Dr. Bing Li

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Bing Li

College: College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences


Intelligent and autonomous vehicles utilize aspects of machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to detect objects along their path. Neural networks are used in object detection, which is essential for certain intelligent vehicles such as self-driving cars. Even though most vehicles are not yet self-driving, there are still many systems in vehicles today that are considered intelligent vehicle features. 

With intelligent vehicles becoming more common, drivers must become educated about their car’s features to ensure their safety. Even though these intelligent vehicles are designed to reach their destination safely, there have been instances where drivers in intelligent vehicles have been injured or killed. Reports of these instances must be studied to ensure the safety and consistency of intelligent vehicles. The purpose of this study is to educate drivers about intelligent vehicles and to investigate why intelligent vehicles crash in order to improve driving safety. 

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