
Although my primary research objective is aimed at developing techniques and therapies that help facilitate positive outcomes for children with autism, I also utilize my statistical skills for consulting purposes. In addition to my PhD., I hold a Quantitative Research Methods Certification from the University of Connecticut. With this training, I have the ability to evaluate the validity of research designs and help companies (or research groups) develop and employ sound research practices. Only when the research design is sound and free from confounds can causal conclusions be reached. In addition to supporting research design, I am also able to conduct appropriate statistical analyses given the company's (or research group's) particular research question. For basic consulting, I offer creation of tech reports (see example from Goodwill Industries below). For more advanced consulting, beyond questions about differences in group means, my training allows me to answer sophisticated questions about interactions, causal modeling, change over time, predicting binary or categorical outcomes, and interactions between or among individuals. Please e-mail me if you have any questions about how these skills can be applied to your needs.

East of the River Action for Substance-Abuse Elimination, Inc.