Investigating Public Health

Welcome to the Investigating Public Health Webpage! 

My name is Katrina Zabransky and I have designed this webpage as part of my HLTH 2020 - Introduction to Public Health Course at Clemson University. I am currently an undergraduate student at Clemson University with a major in microbiology: biomedicine concentration and a minor in genetics. I am interested in the public health field to potentially pursue a career in epidemiology.

This webpage will take you on an investigation into the field of public health: what it is, why it is important, what a potential career in public health is, current public health threats, and inequalities in public health. Let's begin our investigation!

Case Background - What is Public Health?

The case background for this investigation is the definition of public health. Public health is difficult to define since it takes on many complex roles and incorporates many components. Public health is generally regarded as the holistic health status (physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, financial, etc...) of the public and the actions taken to promote the health of the public. In the United States, public health makes up the preventative care portion of the US Health Care System. Actions taken to promote the health of the public can be individual, community (civic), or political government efforts. Public health efforts require cooperation between a range of professional disciplines and a multidisciplinary approach incorporating science, art, ethics, and politics. These efforts work to increase the quality and quantity of life for the public (Schnrider & Schnrider, 2017). According to The Future of Public Health IOM 1988 Report, the mission of public health is to assure healthy conditions in areas that the population desires to be protected against. This Future of Public Health Report also stated the three core functions of public health as assessment, policy and program development, and assurance of health (Institute of Medicine, 1988). 

Institute of Medicine. (1988). The future of public health. National Academy Press.

Schneider, M. & Schneider, H. S. (2017). Introduction to public health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.