Katori Laboratory

Statistical PhysicsMathematical Physics・Probability Theory

This web page is the reneual version by January of 2024. You can see the old pages from here

I am interested in the Physics and Mathematics on Fluctuation Phenomena and enjoying study and research with my undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in my group.

I believe that we will have a unified understanding of the quantum fluctuations due to the Heisenberg uncertainty and the statistical and stochastic fluctuations studied in statistical mechanics and probability theory in near future.

We are studying infinite particle systems and infinite-dimensional stochastic processes related with random matrix theory, random fields associated with conformal field theory, integrable probability, non-commutative probability, and elliptic extensions in the field of mathematics. At the same time, we are interested in complex systems and studying epidemic models of spread of infections, directed percolation problems, traffic-current models, stochastic models of ecology, mathematical models of economy and sociology, where we perform computer simulations and apply the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena in equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics. The lists are long, but our aim is very simple; we wish to know the correlation functions and response functions precisely describing the Fluctuation Phenomena. 

I hope that I can provide an active field for all members who can fully enjoy their study and research.


News & Topics

We will have special guests from abroad, Prof. Z. Mouayn, Prof. L. Wei, and Dr. Y. Huang. We will organize the three-day event from Thursday 11 July to Saturday 13 July. Please join us. You can see the event website from here

The paper `Switching particle systems for foraging ants showing phase transitions in path selections’ by Ayana Ezoe, Saori Morimoto, Yuya Tanaka, Makoto Katori, and Hiraku Nishimori was accepted for publication in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Contents link is available at ScienceDirect

A. Ezoe, Y. Tanaka, and S. Morimoto attended the international conference (Random Interacting Systems, Scaling Limits, and Universality held at the Institute for Mathematical Science, National University of Singapore, and gave short talks in English.

S. Morimoto, Y. Tanaka, and A. Ezoe gave the oral presentations in English in the international conference held at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo.  

The members of undergraduate students showed their research activity in the Student Festival, HAKUMON-SAI, of Chuo University.