Online Classrooms

Week 4 (4/13-4/19) of Azle ISD's Learning at home will revolve around online digital classrooms but the classrooms will be created and run by teachers. Each student will be in the classroom(s) created by their teacher(s). Students will not need to know all of their class codes to enroll. Students will only need to log in to one place and their classroom(s) should be available. Steps below:

  1. Click here to go to Azle ISD's Classlink

  2. Sign-in using your student's username and password.

  3. Student will be directed to a dashboard where their individual classes are gathered. Classes may be in Google Classroom, Seesaw, and/or Canvas

Please be aware that students will need to know their Classlink log in information to get to their online classrooms.

The video below will walk you through how to enroll in your specific class.

If you are having troubles accessing or logging in to your Classlink account please submit a help request with our technical support.