7th & 8th Off-Season

7th and 8th Grade Off-Season Information

ALL OFF-SEASON athletes will NOT be working out the first WEEK of school.  We will review expectations and procedures, review physicals and medical paperwork, issue lockers, and sign up for the grade level remind!  
DRESS CODE: All athletes must wear black athletic bottoms (shorts, leggings, sweats) with a gray athletic top and running shoes.  Spandex shorts are not allowed.  Please be sure to have your first and last name on both the front and back of your shirt.  Please make sure the name is legible and on the middle/top of the shirt.  This can be any gray shirt and your name can be written in sharpie if needed.  7th graders will come to 1st period dressed in their athletic clothes and then change at the end of 1st period.  8th graders will pack their athletic clothes and change at the beginning of their athletic period.
Here is our online shop with BIGFOOT INK!  You are not required to purchase from the online store but it's a great option! https://bigfootink.com/AledoMS/shop/page/girlsathletics

You can also purchase gray shirts through Aledo Branding Co.https://www.aledobrandingco.com/shop-custom.htm

Physical and Online UIL Paperwork 

All paper work/physicals must be completed before any athletes can participate in athletics. Both 7th and 8th Graders must have an updated physical each calendar year! Below is the link to complete the online UIL paperwork. https://aledoisd.rankonesport.com
Please send your copy of your physical to the AMS trainer.  The AMS trainer is Kevin Blasczienski: kblasczienski@aledoisd.org